Chapter 12 (Into the Unknown 2/2)

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Unknown Location

After the 3 MH-53 STALLIONS landed safely at the damage yet operational Helipads.

They immediately scanned the area with the team of hazmat suits, checking if there is any signs of radiation in the vicinity.

"Alright, everyone is ready. Our secondary objective is to make sure everything will be taken for analysts. I don't care if is a rare earth material, unknown tech, files, and many more... Our main mission is to investigate this facility and whoever activate that beacon. So keep your eyes peeled and on high alert, watch your backs. We don't know what we are dealing with here. Understood?" The leader of the group, Captain Ramirez reminded his team.

As the ramps lowered they disembark from the choppers two after another with weapons drawn. The helicopter's propellers began to die down for the conservation of fuel.

When Ramirez gave them to move to the large door of steel that was protecting the entire entrance. They prepared the explosives for breach using the drills given to them.

The other teams will enter the another building beside the first building as they also set up their own bombs at the steel doors.

The scientific research team set up a makeshift base for them to analyze and bag the unknown contents that the soldiers will retrieve.

As both teams armed the last charges, they pullback to the safety radius of the blast zone.

"FIRE IN THE HOLE!" Both operators from different location warned their teams as they both pressed the detonators bomb ignition switch.

The explosions shaken the entire area that the blast was comparable to 1000 or so pounds of bombs, the blast-wave could reach over several kilometers and can be heard.


Few moments earlier, the group of 4 teens was watching the unknown individuals do their things at safe distance.

When the helicopter's propellers began to slowly die down, they could hear multiple shouts of orders from the uniformed aliens as they watch with interest.

"I wonder, what are they gonna do here?" Chris said curiously.

As they continued to watch, Isaac point his large paw in the direction of a large steel doors.

"I think they're gonna open it with TNT."

"Seems like it." Paolo said while putting his phone in the air to record the scene, only to be stopped by Chloe by bringing it down towards Paolo's face.

"Could you stop that! They might see us." She warned as Paolo was about to reply, a sudden powerful explosions and shockwave throwing them out from their cover.

As they covered their ringing ears they check themselves for any injuries caused by the blast.

"Is everyone okay?" Chris asked while he rubbed his paws against his ears trying to remove the ringing sounds.

"Yeah!" The three of them said at the same time even with the ringing sounds still in their ears.

When they stood up, they could see the aliens was able to bring the giant steel doors with ease.

They continued to observe them hidden behind the rock.

Back to the humans

"Well, at least we were able to bring that big boi down with ease." The American soldier said amused, while looking at the fallen door.

"The fortune is on our side, why? Because that door is already rusted due to the fact that it was several or hundred years old that is still standing." One of the Chinese soldiers said while wearing his Type 65 gas mask.

The Americans, Russians, Germans, and Japanese wears their own variants of gas masks. The American M50, Russian PMK-S, Japanese Type 00, and the German MCU-2A/P.

They double check their NBC suit for protection of unknown chemicals or viruses that they will get once they entered the buildings perimeter.

The scientists prepared several disinfectant booths for the soldiers after they've completed the objectives, while also preparing bags for the contents that they will retrieve.

Once everything is prepared, they proceed to enter the abandoned facility.

So far the soldiers didn't encounter any suspicious activity within their sights. As they go deeper to the facility things getting dark, they activated the mounted flashlights on their helmets and rifles. Revealing a hallway with papers scattered throughout the entire floor.

They keep their position in complete 360° with weapons drawn on all directions.

After several minutes of walking the dark hallway they came upon a door, revealing a room with futuristic looking computers and still a modern office chairs.

"Looks like someone left this facility in a hurry." The German soldier mumbled as he keep his HK416 drawn in the room.

"Search this place. Find anything that is useful." Ramirez said as his squad-mates acknowledge.

After that they began to search for important documents.

One soldier in particular was attempting to unplug or detach the futuristic computer, but to no avail. Then one of his mates came to help him but it was so difficult to understand of how to remove such alien machinery from its nest.

"You, you, and you. Search the other room!" Ramirez ordered 2 Russians and 1 Japanese as the three nods and left without a word.

Meanwhile travelling the dark hallway towards another room, the three soldiers began a conversation among themselves.

"So. How was your kid back in Japan, Sato?" The Russian man that is taller to his another countryman asked the Japanese out of curiosity.

"His just doing just fine both in school and home, why you ask, Nishko?" The Japanese named Sato replies.

"No reason, just checking how his condition since my last visit. How old was he again?" Nishko said.

"7, but now he was 10."

"Ahh, I see."

After that they continue their journey with silence... Until a snap was heard beneath their feet.

They stopped on their tracks to looked to the source to see a piece of a bone.

Sato picks up the bone to examine it. Upon looking he could see it's features, this bone could be part of leg. He reached to his radio to report their findings.

"Captain Ramirez. We found something interesting."

<<Copy. I'm on my way.>>

After that Ramirez came to the trio, jogging along the way.

"What you got?" He asked.

"A piece of a possible human bone, comrade captain." The quiet Russian from the trio finally spoke, while handing over the bone to Ramirez to examine.

"This could be useful. I will accompany you guys, lead the way." Ramirez said while placing the bone to his evidence bag.

Once they reached their destination not far away.

They drawn their mounted flashlights around the dark room, to see similar equipments just like the room from earlier. This time, there are dozens of empty capsules.

"What the hell?!" Ramirez exclaimed quietly.

To be continue...

Sorry guys if this is too short, I just want to surprise you on the next chapter. See ya ;)

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