I: Prolouge.

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*Bathtub POV*

I've always had trouble making friends & keeping friends close. I was always envious of those who had close friend groups. I always wondered what it would be like to be in one of those groups, but i was never able to have them.

That was until the sixth grade. I was reading over my class list & a name caught my eye. I really have no idea why it peaked my interest, but it did. The way that the letters were put together, the name had such a nice ring to it.

'Mortechi Benton' it read. I was drawn to it like a firefly to light. But I then saw a more familiar name.

'Nicotine Brown.'

I had known Nicotine since kindergarten. He had spoken to me on occasion, but a friendship never blossomed from the conversations & quick the quick "hello" we exchanged. I thought maybe this year our verbal exchanges could finally amount to more.

I kept looking along the list. There were some familiar names. "Giaweiners Gomez, Aiyan Gomez, Madookie Tompkins." The rest of the names were names I had heard, but none that I particularly cared for.

I was excited for this year. I had a feeling that this year could be different from the rest. Maybe I could have the chance of having a friend group, one that I always dreamed of. I couldn't wait for the school year to start.

*First day of school* 

I am so unbelievably nervous about the first day. I wanted to make a good first impression on all of my new classmates, especially the names I recognized. I put on my favorite worn-out scrunchie, made sure my hair was perfect, & set out for my first day of school.

When I arrived, I didn't have anyone in mind to sit with. As I entered the classroom, I spotted Nicotine. I saw there was an empty seat next to him. I waved & headed over to the seat. As I was putting my stuff down, he gave me a warm smile.

"Are you nervous about the first day,' Nicotine asked. "I know I am."

"Yeah, I'm a little nervous, not that bad though," I responded.

I was lying to him. I was super nervous. I was nervous about the people I would meet, the friends I would see, & if I would be ale to make any friends. I  noticed there had been silence between me & Nicotine for too long, so I started brainstorming good conversation starters that I took from Pinterest. That was, until the bell rang.

As the bell neared the end of ringing, I saw a boy enter the classroom. He had gorgeous brown eyes, curls that rested perfectly on his head, & the most beautiful blonde hair I'd ever seen.

"Sorry, it's my first day & I didn't know where I was going," the blonde said.

The teacher excused him, & he sat down at an empty desk. Something about him was so captivating, like I could drown in his eyes. Nicotine must've caught me staring because he nudged me & pointed at the blonde. He started making an "oooooh" sound as a way of taunting me,

I admit though, he was right. I did, in-fact, find the blonde attractive. There was just something about him, ad I couldn't figure out what. He must've saw me staring, because he waved at me. How embarrassing.

"Mortechi Benton," the teacher called out, taking attendance.

The boy turned around from looking at me & rose his hand.

"Here," he said.

It all clicked in my head. The charming look he has, the way he was so captivating, it all made sense when I heard his name. It was the same name that had peaked my interest before. I should have known sooner.

The teacher went through role as one normally would, but then I realized it was getting to my name. I have always been a quiet & keep-to-themselves kind of person, so role call was definitely something that I did not enjoy. I could feel my face getting warmer & warmer as the teacher got closer & closer to my name. When the time finally arrived, all I could let out was a weak "here." The classroom filled with quiet snickers, & it was humiliating.

I looked up & made eye contact with Mortechi. He was laughing too, but not in a mean way. In a friendly way. I cracked a smile & he smiled back. He turned around & the teacher continued roll.

This was going to be an interesting year.

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