throuple trouble

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*nicotines POV*

as i walked into class mordy smirked at me and i felt myself become to red and filled with butter flies

i sat in my desk and mordechi turned around to talk to me, asking me how my weekend was besides the woods incident 

"yeah it  was good i got a new bo-" im cut off once bethany walks in, did she put on makeup?? shes so beautiful oh my goodness, i thought i only loved mordy?? 

mordichie notices where im staring and looks behind him to see bethany is the one catching my eye 

he growls and graps my shoulder roughly bringing me in, "lets go somewhere private" we whispers in my ear sending shivers down my neck "y-y-y-yes sir" i stutter out

keeping his grip firmly he leads me into an empty classroom and shoves me to the wall

"if i catch you looking at bethany again, things wont be good for you" mordy says in a raspy voice 

"okay sure, like what" i say challenging

mordechi laughs before he says "i didnt want you to find out like this but..."

he starts crawling back and forth across the empty classroom at an inhumane speed, slowly but surely turning into an at least 7 foot tall warewolf 

what have i gotten myself into....

*lilee POV*

while we were in the woods, it was very very cold so we decided to go home and the next morning we had realised that we all caught a cold 

i woke up and showered and decided to bring my favs some soup to help their sore throats 

we obvi stayed in bed and cuddled most of the day and then did face masks 

by tuesday we were all feeling better

*andes pov*

its october 1st and our two year aniversery is tomarow, im so excited!!

i have a perfect cozy night planned

im at the mall trying to decide the perfect pjs for us that our as prefect as us when giaweiners calls me 

gigi: hey love where are u? me and lilsies wanna have a cute slumber party tn for our big day tmrw

me: hey um im not going to be home for a bit um sorry\

Gigi: oh okay bye , have fun ig

me: yeah thx love ya

call ended

ugh i hope i didnt give away my plan

*giaweiners POV*

tmrw is gilildes aniversery so i thought a cute slumber party leading up to tmrw would be perf 

me and lilee call her but she seems preoccupied and like she doesnt care

"where is she" lilee asks frowning 

"i dont know, she dodged the question like she didnt want us to know" i obsevrve 

"you dont think- she would never, right?" lilee contiues 

"ugh i dont know and she hasnt talked about tmrw all day!! DO U THINK SHE FORGOT???"

i start to tear up but lilee comes and hugs me 

*andes POV*

ive been at bath and body works for hours it seems! but i need everything to be perfect, i try almost every scent to find something perfect for each of them, about thirty minutes later ive bought everything

body mist for both of them with matching lotion

two cute candles for each of them

matching victoria secret bra, underwear and pj sets

and two rings with  our initials on them.

finally im on my way home

*giaweiners POV*

3 hours go buy and the door finally opens 

me and lilee rush to give andrea a hug

she seems exhausted 

after the hug we notice she smells different then she usually does, like another perfume 

lilee goes wide eyed to me like shes noticing the same thing and im nervous

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