under the cherry blossom tree

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*mordechis POV*

after class i got to my locker to retreive my gym bag for p.e. , my next class, and last class of the day luckily

as im opening my locker a folded peice of paper falls out

once i open it i realise its a letter, from nicotine!! i read the letter on my way to the gym:

dear mordechi,

im writing you this letter because i want to talk to you, in private. i still love you. if you feel the same meet me at the cherry blossom tree at 3:20 during carpool. <3 

- love, nicotine

im super excited!! now, i just have to get through gym *rolling eyes emoji* but until carpool i decide to put the note in my gym shorts.

* carters POV *

as i was changing only me and malachi were left in the locker room , and once malachi was leaving a note feel from his pocket.

i picked it up, to give back to him ofc ima godly man, but im also a lil noseyy tehehe.

once i read the note i am flabberghasted to say the least

my basketball bro is gay??? thats disgusting. i knew it were to happen sooner or later bc he hangs out with those throuple freaks..

im so disgusted during gym i decide to secretly meet amber under the bleechers to tell her about my findings

as i knew she would, she finds it just as grotesque as me, thats when she tells me that she has an idea

*Amber POV*

during gym my boyfriend carter and i met under the bleechers to make out as usual, except today was different.

he said that we couldnt makeout today because he had something important to tell me.

and he wasnt lying

once i found out about mordechi and nicotine i was REPULSED. but i knew what we needed to do....

i have an old friend (technicallly an ex but carter doesnt need to know that tehe) that me and carter have to go to in private

once gym is over me and carter meet this friend at the gaga pit and tell him what we know. this friend is ayen

*ayens POV*

im suprised when i hear that amber wants to speak to me, especially considering i broke her heart when i dumped her

she told me what she knew and that she wanted me to post it on my aristoigossippage on instagram. only amber, and now carter knew that i was the owner of this page

i agree to post it. also i will be continuing being their friends to spy and get more dirt on them and get them expelled for life

you may be wondering why i want them expelled, so let me tell you

i need mordechi expelled bc i want to be new team captain of the basketball team #ballislife

and i need nicotine expelled because i cant bear to see him with my crush, bethany, any longer

*lilees POV* WE R 18!!!!

after andes runs out the door me and giaweiners decide to look in the bags she left


we feel so bad instantly.

she got us two scents that we LOVE, tahts why she smelled different

and she bought us the cutest rings ands pjs, they were so thoughtful ofc she took awhile picking them out 

me and gigi felt terrible beyond despair 

i call andes and beg for her forgivness, and andes sgrees to come back home.

me and gig decide to put on the cute matching bra and underwear set for her ;)

and we light a bunch of candles to make things super romantic

now we wait for her to arrive home

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