The first day of school

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*mordechis POV*


i groan as i turn off my blaring alarm clock.

OMGEE its the first day of school!!!

i immediatly get up and put on my charming grey polo and some navy shorts to outline my milky thighs. despite it being the first day of school i decide not to shower, not wanting to break my once a year showering ritual.

as i play with my curls i start to feel nervous about the first day of school.. luckily my older sister, nostril did an epic kpop dance for me to remind me to just be myself!!

once i get to school i realize i have two minutes and i didnt attend meet the teacher night so i have no idea where my class is!! 

ten minutes pass and i finally locate my class in the maze of portables. Apparently my teachers name is mr peppy!! he excuses my late arrival and welcomes me into class. before the teacher starts role i notice two people that sit behind me...

one of them is a girl with curly brown hair and she keeps smirking and twirling her hair at me...ew... 

but next to her is the most beautiful boy ive ever seen, he has curlyish brown hair and these dashing glasses omg!!

once rollcall begins i learn their names are bathtub and nicotine!

after roll the teacher announces that we will be going to gym!!

i learn in gym that my teachers are gay lovers named mr bowling and mr blowjob. they announce that we will be split into groups of 8 for workouts and these will be our groups for the rest of the year

i look at the list and see that im with

bathtub martin (oh brother)

giaweiners gomez

lileee clayton

andes mountain lopez

anna (pronounced on-yuh)

ayen gomez

and nicotine brown...(OMGG)

"uhh guys uwu.." bathtub speaks up. "i can do the pushups first" she stutters out 'after almost 20 minutes of her shaking and crying she finishes her pushup

"that was great!!!" nicotine says as he pats her on the head and she blushes

this makes my blood BOIL no one gets head pats from nicotine BUT ME!!

all of a sudden a loud shreak is heard around the room

we all look to the source, onyuh, ofc

"OMG GUYS I THIONK I SAW AN ANT" she says while punching andes and lileee

we all choose to just drown onyuh out and continue with our workout, once its my turn i decide to do jumping jacks and i notice bethany is staring and biting her lip at me which makes me immensely uncomfortable

after gym we go to lunch and have leisure


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