finding out n

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*ayen POV* 

me and mordechai are in charge of searching b and c building so we start with b in the gym and locker rooms

im really scared but trying my best to hide it uwu

as we walk down the dark hallway, only a phone flashlight as a source, we enter the girls locker room

"its so weird being in here ive never seen the girls locker room before haha" mordechai says trying to cheer up the mood

'lol yeah" i say, knowing that im in here after gym everyday to smell all the left behind clothes and shoes

"well, it seems empty- WOAH WHATS THAT" malachi exclaims

i point my flashlight to where mordechi is pointing and am utterly shoked

written on the middle bathroom mirror, in red liquid that looks very similair to blood is "curly hairstyles day 1"

"w-w-w-what is that" i stutter out nervously 

"lets get outta here!" mordechi exclaims and we run out of b building

but all of a sudden i trip and hit my head against the cement

"NOOO AIDSSS" i hear mordichi scream 

"go on without me..." i whsper 

"no. were a team." mordy says

and before i can process it malachi picks me up and carries me the rest of the way to c building

*giaweiners POV* 

me and lilee are searching  d and e building, we are both super scared and i wish andes was here shes the bravest

we seearch the entire d building and see nothing 

but once we step into e building we notice the the floor matt has a peice of paper on it that says "shoe game wishlist *winky face with toungue out emoji*" and bloody footprints leading a trail down the hallway

"OMG" me and lilee say at the same time

"what do we do?" lilee asks, eyes wide

"umm ig follow them?" i say hesitantly 

"should we call everyone else?" lilee questions 

i agree and after ive called theyre all standing next to us looking at the same message and trail

"lets do this" i say trying to seem strong

we all hold hands and follow the trail down the hallway.

*mordechis POV*

as we follow down the hallway im king of distracted because i cant stop thinking about the note written on the mirror...its sounds familiar...

"hey guys look!" ayen says "the footprints are leading into the girls restroom" we all follow in and notice the footprints go to the trashcan under the paper towel dispenser 

lulu is brave and moves aside the trash can, to reveal a vent!!

we realise we have to go in the vent but everyones too scared to go in first

being the alpha that i am i know i must take the lead

i crawl in with aidan shortly behind me

soon enough were all crawling down the tunnel, everyone trying not to be scared

the tunnel finally leads to a room and we get out

were all standing here in shock

partly because this has been in our school all along 

partly because the room is massive and filled with hundreds of tv showing security footage of all of our homes and the school

but most of all because onuh is sitting in the middle of it

"WHAT?? ONUH??? ARE U N???" i scream

"yeah wtf i knew u were weird but this is psyco" lulu says angrily 

"yeah, youre stalking us??? why??? whats going on??" lilee says scared

"listen listen guys"  onuh  says calmly  "i knew you guys were trouble the minute you walked in.." she continues "so i pretended to be a charming cute school girl to spy on u! im actually..." 

onuh rips off her mask to reveal her to be MR THOMPSON???

(also reminder everyones 18)

"mr. t???? why did u do this" giaweiners asks tearing up

"well it was to try and get u kicked out since you arent classical enough, hence why bathtub and nicotine arent here, they are classical. but, over time i had fallen for ...ayen" mr thompson says 

everyones jaw drops 

ayen stepped forword and said "omg, i feel the same way" and the two lovers share a passionate steamy kiss

everyone is still under so much shock when suddenly mr.birsinger crawls from the tunnel we were once in

"MR BIRSINGER???" we all exclaim

"dont tell me ur apart of this to?!?!!" i say 

"ofc i was, the whole school is!.... also ur ANI is due monday lol" and with that mr birsinger crawls back through the tunnel 

i knew this year was gonna be interesting *chuckles charmingly*

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