the woods ;)

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*mordechis POV*

its midnight, luckily on a friday, today everything with the fire alarm and stuff really shook me up and i know i need to do something, i cant wait till monday at school to settle this drama

so i decide to text our groupchat its called "the good bussys" obviously ayen named it... hes so freaky

i decide to add anna to it bc i dont want her to be behind on the drama and be more annoying than she actually is

i had to unblock her first, the reason i blocked her in the first place is bc she kept telling me how i should be taking care of my curls bc "she knows what its like to have my hair type"??? anyways


me: hey guys... we need to talk 

bathtub: YESSSS!! my aura is so messed up by today!

ayen: heyyyyyy can i smell ur guys feet 

me: ew wtf ayen

anna:  ayennnnnn stooppppp omggggggg

ayen: girl stfu

lilee: heyyyyy im w gigi and dre dre rn!!! ill text for all of us

nicotine: hey guys sorry for the late response i was reading all the harryn potter books again lol

me: w-w-w-wow ur so smart 

bathtub: yesss thats my bf!! love u bae

Nicotine: love you too *kissy emoji*

me: umm anyways, can you guys meet up?? ik its late butt

nicotine- are u crazy??? its midnight!!

anna- come onnnn live a little!

me: ik its late but i need to talk about this

nicotine: fine, where at?

me: the woods behind aristoi? thats kinda my secret place...

bathtub: wow thats so deep and romantic mordechi im in

ayen: im alr tyhere anyways ssoooo

lilee: yeah were fs in

anna; u know im cominggg

me: okay see u guys in 20?

thirty miutes later and everyone is finally here

"thankyou for meeting me here guys"  i say cheerfully

"ofc" lilee says, shes laying on andreas lap while giaweiners is braiding andreas hair, ugh i want that!!

"so what are u wanting to talk about mordechi" bathtub questions while nates hand is on her thigh

gosh she makes me so jealous!!!! wait! thats it! i need to make nicotine jealous so he realizes what hes missing! 

it cant be ayen or anna, theyre too weird, it obviously cant be lilee, andes, or gigi

hmm maybe convincing everyone i like bethany would be perfect! 

1. it would make nicotine jealous

2. it would explain why i got so mad at school today 

yep this is gonna work i think


"i like bethany" i state as everyones jaws drop

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