lunch and leisure

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*mortechi pov*

at my lunch table is most of my group from lunch as most of us were new and we all bonded. we sat in something that looks like this

lileee, giaweiners, and andes seem to be in some sort of throuple? they are very cute together

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lileee, giaweiners, and andes seem to be in some sort of throuple? they are very cute together. i honestly wish that i could have something as healthy as them with nicotine. anna seems to be alone and no one really likes her, i dont even know why she sits with us. none of us even talk to her. then theres bathtub. how could she ever sit next to nicotine?

i dont know if i gave bathtub the wrong signals, but when i met her in first period i wasnt looking at her or smiling at her. in fact, i was looking at nicotine. something about his shiny forehead and cute glasses has me hooked on him. his smile is so adorable, and his hair looks fun to play with.

me and nicotine were having a regular conversation about avatar, when bathtub decides to join in. god, why does she have to have the same interests?

"yeah when zuko did that i was so surprised," bathtub said, looking at nicotine for his approval.

i had to get them to stop talking, he looked genuinely engaged and they were ignoring me.

"yeah," i chime in. bathtub's attention diverts to me. "but i think he did it for a really good reason."

"hm. i guess so. you're really smart about avatar," bathtub says while giggling, and nicotine laughs.

i cant take it anymore. i get up from the table and go to cool off while playing basketball. i notice lileee and andes get up and walk after me. giaweiners got up and went to talk to nicotine and bathtub. i hope giaweiners isnt another competitor, i actually like her.

i shoot a couple hoops and then lileee and andes approach me.

"hey mortechi, do you have time to talk?" lileee inquires.

"yeah, sure," i say while putting my ball down and sitting on the curb.

lileee sits beside me while andes sits in front of us.

"we really could not help but notice how annoyed you look whenever bathtub opens her mouth. we also notice the way you look at nicotine,-" andes says, before i cut her off.

"who is we? where you three spying on us?" i shoot back.

"us two and giaweiners," lileee says.

"we werent really spying, we sit at the same lunch table. anyways, the way you look at nicotine isnt normal. its not a friendly look," andes says.

"it's more of a loving look. you look like you're jealous of bathtub and nicotine's connection," lileee adds on.

"yall wtf im not gay istggg," i say convincingly while using my alpha voice. am i really that easy to read? "why am i even listening to yall, yall are gay."

"right, so we understand you," lileee says.

i dont know what came over me, but i felt a sense of relief when they were open about it. i feel like i could trust them, they wouldnt do anything about it. i stare down at the grown as i can feel their eyes on me like lasers.

"maybe im a little interested in nicotine, but it doesnt really mean anything. but youre right, bathtub annoys me. the way shes always all up on nicotine makes me.... jealous," i say, turning a bit read.

"so you do like him." andes asks.

"like i said, its not really a big deal. im probably gonna be over him in a week," i say.

"no youre not. listen, we could probably help you with this," lileee says.

"how so?" i ask.

"well the whole lunch we were coming up with a whole fanfiction about yall so we made a plan. andes where the paper?" lileee inquires.

andes pulls out a 12 page paper of what i assume was the fanfiction. after riffling through some papers, she finds one in particular and pulls it out. she sets the rest down and hands me the sheet. i see some bothersome handwriting. must be lileee's. as i begin to read, andes starts speaking.

"we thought that if we could somehow get bathtub away from you and nicotine, you two could spend some time together. even if you dont agree to this, we're already doing it. giaweiners is finding out who the table likes right now. if it turns out bathtub likes nicotine, we can always set her up with someone else. it shouldnt be hard," andes rambles.

"wow this is so elaborate. do you think it'll work?" i ask.

"we are almost certain. and dont worry about gia talking to nicotine. she wont like him, and i could see you getting angry as you walked out," lileee says.

"damn wtf i thought i was sneaky about it," i say.

"no lol," lileee says.

"well, leisure is almost over. we should go meet with gia and see what we found out," andes says, while standing up.

"so do you agree with the little plan?" lileee asks while flashing me.

"yeah. lets meet at carpool," i say, picking up my ball.

"ok," they say and walk away.

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