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*andes pov*

"so what did yall do while i was away," i asked, while sitting down on the couch, and pulling out my phone.

no one answered me, so i drew my attention away from my phone screen and to their faces. they looked very nervous and were shooting glances at each other. 

"is.. everything okay," i inquired.

"andes, are you being honest with us," lileee says.

"what do you mean," i say confused.

something in giaweiners went off, and she shot back, "you know what you've been doing. youve been so distant from us, always leaving the house, you came back smelling like another woman. if youre cheating on us, just be honest. we dont deserve it."

"what? i dont get it. im not cheating i swear," i say urgently.

"you obviously have. and dont deny, there are so many signs," lileee quickly responds. "where have you been all this time? smelling like other people?"

"ive been busy. i can explain soon but-" i say, before getting cutoff.

"no andes. if you cant be honest with us, then leave," giaweiners says.

i didnt know what to do. i couldnt convince them without ruining the surprise, but i didnt want to lose them. 

"get out," lileee says sternly.

"wait please," i say, tears filling my eyes.


i get up and walk towards the door, and my two little lovers follow me. before i left, i pulled out two bags. 

"what is that," gia asks.

"it was supposed to be our anniversary gifts," i say, handing the bags to them then turning my back dramatically.

"omg wait," lileee starts.

i leave before she could say anything else. if they want me out, then im out. ;((((((


nicotine and mortechi left the room after a heated argument. i decided to follow after in fear for mortechi. i asked to go to the bathroom, and i snuck around the window to peer into the classroom. it was completely dark and i couldnt see a thing. 

the door was locked.

panic filled my body in thoughts that something couldve happened to mortechi.  i started pounding on the door, hoping for a response. a good 30 seconds had past and i was getting desperate. i looked around on the floor and found a hair pin. i shaped it into a way that could fit the keyhole.

i jiggled the deformed hair pin around, when i finally heard a click. i swung the door open to see mortechi towering over nicotine, in his werewolf form. nicotine looked scared, but mortechi looked soooooo good. the way you could see his abs, even through the wolf hair. but they werent in a hateful situation. nicotine had his hands on mortechi's abs, and mortechi's hand was on nicotines face. i made the door creak and nicotines attention is quickly drawn away.

"bathtub, what are you doing here," nicotine says, extremely flustered. 

mortechi draws his gaze away from nicotine and starts whimpering and crying at the sight of me. he reverts to his human form and stares at me embarrassed. 

"wait a second. what is going on here?! what happened in the forest between you two," i ask, shocked. 

"why should we explain it to you," mortechi says defensively. 

"mortechi, lay off," nicotine says, while looking me up and down and biting his lip. i wanted to deck him. 

mortechi looked between me and nicotine and suddenly blew up.

"omg nicotine youre such a player. you call me at 3am telling me you were over bathtub. this morning i saw the way you looked at her, but i was hoping it was just a slip up, but looking at it now, youre not over her. i cant believe you," he said while grabbing his shirt. "talk to me when youre ready to commit to me."

mortechi runs out of the room in tears, leaving me and nicotine alone. nicotine slid over to the door and softly closed it. godddd can he leave me alone. 

"bathtub, everything that mortechi said was true. i still.. love you," he said while inching closer to me.

"uhh yeah.. sorry i have to think about this," i say. 

"okay, let me help u think about it," he says.

he gets closer to me, closes his eyes, and leans in for the kiss. i put a book between us, he pulls back and looks hurt.

"so.. you dont like me at all," he says, sounding heartbroken.

i think about this. if i can convince him that i still like him, i can get him away from mortechi again. but i know that the throuple is helping mortechi, so they probably have a plan. this is a tough decision. 

i think that if i can lead nicotine on, he will eventually drift away from mortechi.

"i never said i didnt like you, but i have to think about it. just give me some time, 'kay?" i say flirtatiously.

i give nicotine a kiss on the cheek, and walk away. he looks starstruck. 

i decide to write a letter to mortechi to meet me under a japanese cherry blossom tree, and i have to sign it from nicotine so that he could actually meet me, and ill confess. the whole time i was writing the letter i felt like i was being watched. maybe it was my paranoia.

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