secret plan, phase 1

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after a very engaging coversation about avatar with bathtub and mordechi, mordechi stands up with his ball and lilee and andes follow, hmm must be leisure already

i was about to ask why giaweiners didnt follow them because its very rare to see the three apart when she scoots over to me and bathtub

this was even more strange because dispite us spending the last 5 hours together gigi has never spoken to us, in fact, she seems annoyed when we speak

"hey guys!" giaweiners exclaims

"hey" me and bathtub say back

"soooooo i was wondering who you guys think is cute lately" gigi tells us

i start blushing, wait is bethany blushing too? shelikes someone?? is it me???? all my thinking comes to a stop arruptly when gigi says "you should tell me!! i have a plan..."

'umm okay... but can i tell u privatly" bathtub asks, a impossibly redder blush spreading over her cute and round cheeks

"uh yeah duh ofc" gigi says 

they both scurried off to the bathroom leaving me alone at the lunch table

hmmmm why would bethany need to go somewhere private.... was she embarrased.... why would she be embarrased unless its me!!! omg! this is perf!

once the two girls come back giaweiners looks shoked while bethany looks nervous, this is gonna be an interesting year.


once i asked giaweiners to tell her my secret crush in private we went to the girls potty, luckily, it was empty.

"i think i may like malachi... " i say looking at the ground

"oh em gee, thats cray cray" gigi says almost worried

"why whats wrong??!!" i say getting worried too

gia puts her hand on my shoulder and says "girl, malachi doesnt like you, he likes n- someone else, im sorry.." 

i feel my world crumbling when finally i realise, she was about to say a name that started with n!! the only name that starts n at our schhol is nadilynn, that freaky ginger.  ughhh what does he see in her!! besides that her hair is my inspo!

once we get back to the table nicotine is giving me a devilish smirk.. OMG DOES HE KNOW??? malachi is his best friend omg he will def tell...

giaweiners leaves, to go talk to her gfs lilee and andrea i assume

now im all alone with nicotine

"hey bathtub can we talk?" nicotine questions

OH NO he for sure knows 

"y-y-y-yeah what about?" i stutter

"would you like to go out with me" he says confidently 

WHATTTTTTTT HELLO???? i did not expect THAT

i was so shoked and was about to say no because my hearts set on mordechi when i realised, this will make mordechi jealous! this is a perf idea, now my life will be  just like all those love books i read

"yes, yes, yes, mord- i mean nicotine, ofc i will" i say giving him a cute smile

i cant wait for mordechi to hear about this!!!

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