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*ayan pov*

"yeah sure they can come," i said, not really focusing.

me and lulu hopped into her camo van, and they rushed over to the gialilliandes household. we exit the van and walk up to the door. we knock and lileee answers, but she only opens the door enough to where she can stick her head out.

"oh hey guys. do u need something," she asks.

"uhh its kind of a long story, could we come in,"  i reply.

"uhm.. hold on let me ask," she says and then shuts the door. a couple seconds later she re-opens the door and lets us in.

we sit on the couch next to giaweiners and andes, they looked shaken up.

"what are you guys doing here so late," andes asks.

"well we wanted to talk to yall," lulu says.

"do you guys want something to drink?" lileee calls from the kitchen.

we get situated with cups of tea that lileee prepared for us. we made small talk for a bit then i decided it'd be better not to waste time.

"so, we came here for one reason," i started. "i got a threatening text from someone who signs by "n." i originally thought that it was nicotine, but it turned out it wasnt."

"how did you find out?" gia asks.

"uh it doesnt matter," i say stuttering. "anyways i can just confirm its not him. i called up luci to ask her if her hacker self was able to see where my text was sent from. she tracked it back to our school. we were going to go to the school and we wondered if you guys wanted to come along with us to bust them."

"well to be honest, i got a text too," lileee says while scrolling through her phone. "to be honest i thought it was you. they said they would keep quiet if i put on a fursuit? sorry, its just so you."

"oh," i say.

"i wanna go," andes proclaims.

"me too," gia says.

"okay, ill go too," lileee says.

we all get our coats back on and head out the door. we drive to the school. when we arived, i could immediately tell that something wasnt right. there was only one car parked, when there really shouldnt have been any car there. we got closer and noticed it was a white van. lulu parked in the space closest to the school.  

we all got out and we decided our first plan of action was to inspect the white van. luci put a super secure lock on the door and we left for the white van.

when we got there, it was so dark we couldnt see into the window. lulu used her super sexy hacking skills and was able to unlock the car without setting off the alarm. there was nothing inside besides a backpack. inside the backpack were pictures of everyone in our grade. we took the backpack for evidence and decided to search the gym next.

*mortechi POV*

i had been in the gym for like 2 hours now. i had gotten a text threatening to expose me in my alpha form with nicotine, and i couldnt have that happen. the texter told me to meet them in the gym, but i dont know how long ive been here. 

i heard the door open and stood up from the bleacher row i was sitting on. i was surprised to see giaweiners, andes, lileee, lulu, and ayen. 

"hey mortechi!!" lileee called out. 

i reached their group and i told them about the text i received. they shared with me what they had uncovered. 

"oh, well ive searched this place over and over and i didnt find anything. i mean, yall are free to take a look yourselves but i doubt you'll find something," i said.

"i dont think we should waste time," lulu said. "we should search the buildings."

"i agree," gia said.

"i dont think we should be separated though," andes said.

"youre right," ayen said. "lets be in groups of 2."

"ill go with ayen," i said. "youre like super smart so i wont die with you."

"sounds okay," he replied.

"ill go with lulu. stay safe my little cuties<33 andes announced, while kissing gia and lileee's forehead. DISGUSTING.

"are you sure? im fine by myself. plus theyre literally crying rn," lulu said.

"its okay u should def not be alone," andes said.

"okay, me and ayen will look at buildings B/C, lileee and giaweiners can look at D/C, and lulu and andes can look at the new portables. if we dont find anything, we meet back here. from there we can go check the field and forest okkkk?" i said. 

they all agreed and we went our seperate ways.

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