fire alarm

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nicotines pov

i had asked bathtub out at lunch and ive never been happier! she is my dream woman, and i cant believe that she likes me back..


the fire alarm was going off. i ran over to bathtub to see if she was okay. thank the heavens she was! i rescued her out of the building, in fear that there was a fire happening. when we got outside, i was with my friend group. we had been out there a while, then we received the news that the fire alarm could not be shut off, and that we would remain outside the rest of the day. 

bathtub suggested that we should do a game. we all agreed on the idea. it was a "get to know each other" kind of game. we started out with simple questions, like whats your favorite color. it evolved into something more...


the fire alarm had went off and nicotine had come to save me. i dont know why, hes more afraid of the alarms than i am.

when we arrived outside, we were in our group. after a while, i recommended we play a game. its like 20 questions. this would be the perfect time to tell mortechi about me and nicotine and make him jealous. maybe he would even admit who he likes..

the questions were so boring, so i decided to jump into it.

"lileee, who do you like," i said confidentely.

"andes and giaweiners, duh. also, gia are you cold? i know how cold you get and i was wondering if you want my jacket<333," lileee responded. 

"stop omg youre so caring. i know the moon will be so beautiful tonight," giaweiners responded.

"you probably wanna smell her bussy fart too," aidan grotesquely said.

"kys," said lileee. "hmmm... my turn now! uhmm... you know what. since you asked, you answer. bathtub, who do you like?"

perfect. this is perfect. i have to execute this in a way that will make mortechi go ballistic. 

"i like..." i slur on as i snuggle up to nicotine, and kiss his cheek. "...nicotine."

everyone looks at us in shock. their faces slowly turnt to disgust, and i could only focus on mortechi's face. his face grew red with anger, and he quickly got up and left. the three girls followed after him. im not worried about them taking him away, theyre disgustingly gay. i stay close to nicotine, and i could tell his face was bright red.. anna and aidan didnt know what to say, so they walked away by themselves. it was only me and nicotine left, so i struck up conversation. god hes so annoying.

*mortechi's pov*

i was invited to play a game with our group, and i didnt really have anything else to do so i joined. i saw nicotine and bathtub sitting awfully close, but i didnt think anything of it. the game started, and it was regular questions. then it got to liking people questions.

bathtub was asked who she liked, and i couldnt believe it. she likes nicotine. i couldnt bare to see them like that so i left. they 3 followed me.

"what happened to the plan?" i ask.

"idk, bathtub said she liked u," gia says.

"wait, we can use that against her. i mean that means that shes using nicotine right? you can tell nicotine that shes using him and we will get proof," lileee witfully said.

"yeah, ill ask her about it and maybe i could get her to admit it. i could be recording or something," andes added.

"no ykw imma talk to her," i said.

we went back to the pair and i went offfffff

"youre only using nicotine. i had gia talk to you and you admitted to liking me, not nicotine. you need to stop being a bad person rn and break up with nicotine!!" i exclaimed.

both of them looked stunned, but bathtub is smart.

"why would i use him? he likes me, i like him. and gia is a liar. why do u even care so much anyways?" bathtub shoots back.

"because h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-hes my friend!" i answer.

"stop," nicotine interjects. "i cant believe it.."

"exactly. leave her nicotine," i say.

"no, mortechi, i cant believe YOU! youre one of my best friends and youre trying to break me up with my girl friend right now. i cant even.. wait. do you like bathtub? IS THIS WHY YOURE DOING THIS!??" nicotine yells.

"what... nicotine-" i say, then getting cut off.

"NO MORTECHI! me and bathtub are leaving. dont talk to us," nicotine says as he leaves. 

they walk away and bathtub looks back at me. i cant read the expression on her face. it could be sorrow, victory.. i couldnt tell. they got half way across the field when gia, lileee, and andes go to jump them. 

im left alone with my thoughts. maybe liking nicotine is a mistake. maybe i should back off. i dont know what to think, but my feelings aside i cant let nicotine get used like this. i have to do something!!!!

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