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bathtubs pov

"i like bathtub," mortechi announced.

we all stared in shock. i zoned out. i could hear voices in the back. nicotine, andes, lileee and mortechi. i was in my own space. i couldnt believe what i just heard. i didnt know what mortechi was up to, but i let hope get the best of me. even if there was only a small chance that this confession would be true, i wanted to hold onto that last bit. here was the hard part. i didnt know whether i break up with nicotine or i keep quiet.

i made my decision.

"nicotine," i started, and he turned to face me. "we've had a great 13 hour relationship. and believe me i enjoyed all of it. but they were right, and im sorry for leading you on. i am in love with mortechi and i cant control it. im sorry it had to be you. youre a great person and i-"

"save it," nicotine answers, as he rises up. "i love you bethany. i dont know how u could do this to me. you knew how much i cared for you. and you did... this. im sorry all of you i.. i need to leave."

he said that walking away with tears in his eyes, and i felt terrible. everyone started berating me with hateful things, but i was zoned out and focused on mortechi. he went after nicotine. i couldnt believe it. he set me up. i was such a fool for holding onto that sliver of hope. 

then it all hit me. when gia asked me about who i liked and she said "n" she must've made nicotine. that's why he got so angry when i announced it. thats why he did this. thats why he tried to break us up. im thinking back to the first day of school. when he waved at me.. he was waving at him. i cant believe i was so naive. 

*mortechi pov*

i was certain that my plan would work. and it did. but it pained me so much to see nicotine in that state. i had to do it. but i feel terrible. i watched him waddle away and just couldnt contain myself. i had to go after the man i love. as i was leaving the area, i could hear voices shouting, mainly the gialilliandes thruple. theyre my #1<33.

i saw him there by himself, in the forest. between the variety of green, he sat on a rock in the middle of it all. the moonlight shone on him in such an unspeakable way. i approached cautiously, not wanting to startle him. im sure i am the last person he wants to see, but i cant let him deal with this on his own.

"hey.. nicotine," i say softly. "im so sorry about what happened but i needed to show you what you needed to see. i dont like her nic, i like someone else and that someone-"

"thats enough. honestly, why did you come here? havent you done enough to me:(" he responded. "please, leave me alone."

"i wont leave you nic. you cant deal with this all alone. let me be here for you."

"if you wont leave, i will," he said, while tears were in his eyes. he got up carefully and walked a couple steps.

something compelled me. it was hurting me watching him walk away. i lunged out for his arm, and pulled him into a kiss. i kissed him with all the love i had been holding back from him.

it felt so surreal. there was almost complete silence. there were no voices. the moonlight shone on us as the leaves rustled in the wind. i didnt care if this messed everything up, i needed to let him know how i feel about him. i couldnt hide this from him forever.

i pulled out of the kiss and sat him down on the rock. i mustered all of my courage and began my proper confession. 

"nicotine, please listen to me. i dont care if this ruins our friendship. i love you. i have loved you since we met this morning. when i walked into that classroom, there was an immediate energy switch. something about you was so captivating. you made the whole room seem 100x brighter. your smile is enough to get me through the hard class periods. your laugh fuels me more to keep on loving you. i understand if you dont return the feelings, but i really just needed to let you know. i like you, nicotine," i said, with every bone in my body.

we sat in silence for a while. the blank expression on his face couldnt mean anything good. i didnt know whether to leave him or not. 

i felt so stupid. why did i just do that? i lied to him, i would care if it ended our friendship, i couldnt live with myself knowing i may never speak to him again. my heart swelled with anger at myself, and sadness knowing the rejection that was about to come. i gathered myself and was about to walk away when he pulled me back...

*nicotine pov*

i pulled him back and kissed him. i dont know what came over me. when he kissed me it was like drugs tbh. but like different cause like yaa.

"mortechi, listen. im not rejecting you but i dont know how i feel. everything with bathtub has really set me off, and i dont know if im ready for something right now. maybe in the future something can blossom from this, but im just not ready right now. maybe ill be ready at school tomorrow morning. will you ask me then?;)" i said. nudging him at the end.

"ill wait for as long as i need to, nicotine," he replied, with a warm smile. 

we got up and decided to head back to the area where everyone else was at. we found that bethany had gone home to "think about things" but gialilliandes were cuddled up by a tree, asleep, so we woke them up to go home. aidan and anna had fled the scene, probably talking about how aidan likes bathtub. i walked mortechi home and said goodnight.

when i arrived home, i decided to think. i did have feelings for mortechi, but i also still have feelings for bathtub. i dont want to use mortechi as some sort of way to get over bathtub, because i know what its like to be used. 

i think about it for a couple more hours and i feel i no longer like bathtub and im now fully committed to mortechi. cant wait to see him tmrw<33333333 

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