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Aldis Hodge as Theous Dembele Dior

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Aldis Hodge as Theous Dembele Dior


he TV presenter proudly pulled a handsome, tall, almost heavily built man with a crew cut onto the platform. The man had heavily melanated skin forged in the hot tropicanas, his prominent cheekbones stretching his smooth skin nicely over his rugged yet enticing facial features, beard neatly groomed. Two small, shiny and matching scars ran on each of his cheeks and that was an identifying trait that most people now recognised him by.

The TV presenter grinned. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are proud to announce that Theous Dior, previously part of the London Pirates Football Club, has officially become signed with Cape Hotspurs!"

The stadium went wild with cheers for the man as he wiped sweat from his brow. He removed his dirty and sweaty maroon soccer (football) shirt and gratefully received his brand new lime and white Cape Hotspurs uniform that had a few sponsor names printed on the left breast as well as on his back, right below his jersey number.


That was his lucky number and would forever be.

After changing into his new uniform, his new teammates erupted into song and the rest of the stadium joined, glad to have such a talented player in their midst.


Theous turned, watching with a lazy and boyish grin as fans screamed his name while the paparazzi kept trying to get over the barricade to get to him and interview him.

His new coach approached him, the man's salt and pepper hair and beard flying in the slight wind that had just started, and his face red from pinching it so hard against the cold wind.

"Theous?!" the coach called.

"Yes, Coach Hart?" he replied, running over to the older english man.

"Just Coach will do fine," Hart laughed, patting him slightly on the shoulder like a child even though Theous stood a few inches taller than him.

"Sure, Coach."

"We are going to have to do a conference and suck all this media attention while we still can...you know the drill. And then it's straight to practice after that, boys!!" he announced.

The team groaned, looking at their dirty selves after the match they had just played.

"BUT COACH!!" someone yelled. "We just signed Theous Dior!! Thee Theous Dior!! We need some sort of celebration!! Also, we kind of just won a match?"

Coach laughed. "The Palace is the venue for the afterparty. No embarrassing shenanigans because I will definitely vote for you to be kicked out should your drunk selves drag our name through the mud."

The team nodded before they started singing loudly as they went to the showers to clean up, Theous lost in the middle of various other skin tones and colourful hair.


The phone rang in his car as he pulled up to The Palace, one of the best hotels in the country. The sky outside was dark and he stepped out of the car, handing the keys to the valet. He was dressed in a slim fit tux, knowing that the award giving ceremony was a black tie event. His hair was neatly brushed into waves and by the eyes on him from the excited valets and fans, he knew he was looking dapper.

He stepped into the hotel lobby and found a private spot before he answered his phone.

"Why did you not call me?!" his father started. "You said after the match."

Theous laughed. "Dad...I just got signed and officially welcomed into Cape Hotspurs! I'M A SIGNED SOCCER PLAYER!!"

His father yelled out and immediately video called him.

The moment the screen came alive, his father stood proud and tall, the dark skinned older man's fist over his heart as he sang his heart out.

"OLÉ, OLÉ, OLÉ, OLÉ, OLÉ...!!"

Theous stupidly grinned as he joined in. Then he felt himself tear up when his father got so overwhelmed with emotion that his voice shook as a stream of tears ran down his face.

"I'm proud of you, Theo. I'm the proudest father alive at this very moment. And I am glad that I spent my life savings so that you could be afforded this opportunity."

Theous shakily wiped the tears from his face. "And you are about to be repaid a hundred fold, dad. If it wasn't for you...I would've never loved soccer the way I do or even attempt to play professionally. You're all I got in this world and I am all you have-"

"I mean...there's your older sister-"

"She told you she doesn't want anything to do with us after you used all the money to pay for me to get these opportunities. It has been almost ten years now, dad. I think we are better off without her-"

"Do not speak like that about your sister," his father calmly interrupted. He was a stout family man. "She still loves us and one day she will come back, alright? I didn't give up on my daughter so do not give up on your sister. And anyway, you have also been gone for years. Theous, your sister loves you and anyway, she has been coming home to check on me and take care of me."

His father smiled. "And she's having a baby boy next month. She wants to name him Dembele, your middle name. She has just been afraid to get in contact with you because she is ashamed of how she left things."

Theous sighed. Trust dad to ruin the moment. "Look, can we talk about this after practice tomorrow? I have a celebration to get to."

"You have to talk to your sister eventually-"


"Its not up for debate. She'll be in the next video call."

Theous stared at the screen.

"Look, enough of the negative talk. I love you a lot and you deserve to be where you are. 9 years of me forking out money I don't have and 30 of raising you and your sister was not child's play. Make sure to add an extra half million when you repay me."

Theous chuckled.

His father frowned. "Theo, I'm not joking-"

Theous knew he was just teasing but sent him some money via mobile banking either way. "2k for you to leave me alone. I have to go inside. I love you, dad."

His dad grinned. "Bye, big head." He switched off his cam.

Theous couldn't help grinning as he put his phone away and feeling extremely proud of himself, he stepped backstage where the stagehands were already waiting for him because he was about to be introduced by his new Coach to the rest of the world.

This was the moment he had slaved away years for. This was the moment he had worked hard for, even becoming homeless at times because he didn't have a steady job.

This was it. It was finally here.

And his father's pride in him made all the pain and horrible times he went through worth it.

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