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Nonny woke up in Theous' house early the following morning, being woken up by the urge to throw up.

She blindly ran to his en-suite bathroom and before she could reach the toilet, everything came rushing out and she threw up on the floor. She went on and finished up her vomiting in the toilet as tears ran down her face.

Her throat hurt as she kept gagging with nothing coming out, just the bitter taste of bile in her mouth. Forcing herself up, she grabbed a roll of toilet paper and quickly cleaned the bathroom up, spraying a load of air freshener and opening the window. She kept hoping that Theous wasn't woken by her vomiting because this was the third time this happened in his presence.

Just come clean, a little voice in her head said.

I can't, she thought, looking at her red eyed reflection in the mirror. Her hair was a matted mess and her eyes were bloodshot from all the throwing up and crying she had done.

She lifted the baggy grey shirt she wore and looked at the reflection of her belly.

There is a foetus in here, she thought even though she was still not showing yet.

She had never really paid attention to her growing body but now, as she stared at herself, she felt overwhelming emotion at the fact that just after she decided to have a baby by herself, a potential relationship decided to just randomly blossom. A baby with no father that she would have to explain to Theous very soon.

After last night, she knew that she couldn't keep Theous in the dark forever. She wanted to tell him but she didn't know how and it kept getting more difficult by the day, trying to hide her pregnancy from him. She was afraid that if she told him, he would leave her and it broke her heart, just thinking about it.

She silently cried.

A knock came on the bathroom door and wiping her tears and covering her belly again, she called out, "COME IN!"

Theous walked in, concern on his face as he walked over to her. "I woke up and you were not in bed," he said as he grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste to brush his teeth.

Nonny walked to the toilet and sat on the seat, watching him as she tried to remove traces of her tears from her face.

He rinsed his mouth and then turned to look at her with the worry lines still etched in his face. "You've been crying," he stated as he walked over, pulling her up from the toilet. He put his arms around her and then sniffed her mouth. "You've also been throwing up. What's going on?"

She looked up at him. "Nothing. I've just been having a rough time health wise."

"Are you sick or something?"

"Just a little nausea. But it'll pass."

He quietly stared at her for a moment before speaking. "Zara mentioned something the first time you got sick. She said you might be pregnant."

Nonny looked everywhere but at Theous.

"Are you pregnant?" he asked, letting go of her. His heart beat fast and somehow the room felt like it was closing in on him as everything suddenly became too hot.

Tears gathered in her eyes as she stared at him. "Look..."

"Yes. Or No, Nonny. Are you pregnant."


He walked out of the bathroom and after quickly gurgling some mouthwash, she followed him.


He sharply turned to her. "My question does not need many words, Nonny. Are you pregnant? Yes. Or No."

Theous looked angry and Nonny could see the veins popping in his neck. Then he started hyperventilating and worried, Nonny rushed over to him and tried to touch him.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!!" he suddenly barked as the room started spinning around him. He teetered and almost fell but managed to hold on to the post of his bed, steadying himself.

As his head cleared, he stared at the shocked Nonny, realising that he had scared her. Remorseful, he suddenly pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly, apologizing over and over. She suddenly felt something wet on the top of her head and she realised that he was crying.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you," he said in a wavering voice. "I'm sorry, baby."

She kept quiet.

"Nonny, I'm sorry. It's just that..." He gently placed his index under her chin, making her look up at him. "Please be honest. Are you pregnant?"

She was quiet. Then she redirected the question by changing the topic. "Are you sick?" she quietly asked. "You almost fainted and you started hyperventilating...are you sick, Theous? Your results came out good during your test but something is wrong with you."

"It's just hyperventilation and a fainting spell now and then," he answered. "I...I was involved in an accident a while ago...just some months before I got signed to play professionally." He took off his shirt, revealing the burn scars which as usual, he had scratched even though today they were not bleeding.

Nonny immediately raised her hands and even though he flinched slightly, he let her run her fingers over the scars. He watched her as her tears fell, a pained expression on her face as she became emotional. She placed gentle kisses all over his chest.

Theous swallowed the lump in his throat, shocked that he had let someone he slept with touch that part of him. Nonny was breaking down his walls and it scared him to be honest. He hadn't thought he'd be in this deep in such a short space of time but now here he was and it scared him.

Because even though he liked Nonny, he had sworn himself never to fall in love after his past. A past that caused his scars and made him yell at people that questioned him about them. With Nonny, however, after his outburst earlier, he felt he was ready to talk to her before he saw the therapist.

Nonny looked up at him and reached for his face to kiss him. He gently placed his lips on hers and hoisted her up into his arms as he carried her to his bed. He deposited her in it and hovered over her, just staring at her and for the first time in a long time, appreciating a woman for more than her body.

After the sex they had in his car, this morning was not supposed to start off with their first fight. He wanted to make it up to the woman that gazed into his eyes from under him. He kissed her gently.

Nonny's hands started trying to lower his pyjama pants but he grabbed her hands and with his left fingers, locked her wrists above her head, a small teasing smirk on his face. She squirmed under him, fighting to be in control.

"You're a little dominant fox, aren't you?" he huskily whispered, slightly grinning at the memory of last night when she had him like putty in her hands, making his body respond in ways it had never done before. Now he knew how women felt when he dominated over them and boy, would he be damned if he ever let himself miss the opportunity to let Nonny take control of him.

It felt good back in that car, being dominated like that for the first time in his life. And by the person he never expected it from. It was true that feelings can make sex a million times better.

"You've zoned out," Nonny laughed under him, still squirming.

He smiled at her, letting go of her wrists. "What do you want to eat?" he said as he got off the bed.

"You," she said with a seductive smirk.

"Save me for dessert." He winked at her.

Nonny felt herself melting into the bed as she blushed. Since last night, she was a horny and emotional mess that carried the burden of her secret pregnancy, a secret she had to out eventually to Theous. When would eventually be?

Theous glanced at her as he put on his t-shirt. "Look, I'm really sorry about earlier," he genuinely said.

"I'm sorry too," she said. For not telling you the truth, she mentally finished.

"Um..." Theous stared at her, a stoic expression on his face. "Nonny...I want to tell you the truth," he said. "About my past and how I got these scars."

He was ready.

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