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"do it again." i ordered. Aki had trouble controlling her puppets. Sasori is helping her

"sensei can i please work with my bombs!?" Aki screeched

"i guess we can take a break. go let Itachi check your chakura." i said. she blushed a cherry red. i giggled. i knew they like each other

"just go." i laughed. she ran in leaving her salamander puppet. it had a human figure but it used fire.

"do you know something?" i heard Sasori ask

"yeah, Itachi found a female he can be happy with." i said, "we'll leave here in three days. Aki has built speed, strength, her Genjutsu, Taijutsu, Ninjutsu. she also learned summonings. her puppet skills are bad so she'll train for three whole days with the puppets. enough breaks to eat and sleep a few hours. well i'm hungry. bye." i said and walked in i slumped on the couch

"Tobi missed Kazuma-chan. why does Kazuma-chan train all day?" Tobi yelled

"because Tobi i have a student and I'm a sensei. now leave me alone." i growled closing my eyes


what a nuisance. maybe we can get her to join the Akatsuki



i shot up and ran down the hall to where Aki was with a kunai. i shoved Tobi to the wall

"what'd you do?" i growled. Tobi said nothing

"Aki what'd he do to you?" i said. i turned my head to her. she looked pissed

"that little perv!" she growled, " let me bomb his ass!" she started to come towards me and pulled bombs out of nowhere

"ITACHI!" i yelled. Itachi came running in the room

"what? i was pa-" Itachi said but stopped talking when he saw the scene and Tobi

"get her." i ordered. Itachi ran and grabbed Aki bridal style and went into the bathroom with clothes that were laying on Aki's bed

"PAIN!" i yelled

"what, brat?" Pain asked as he walked in the room. i threw Tobi at him

"take care of him or i'll kill him!" i growled when they left i walked to the bathroom.

"Aki are you okay?" i asked opening the door. Itachi's back was facing Aki as she changed

"sensei. Tobi's voice was deep and mean. he wasn't hyper. he acted like Pain like he was in charge." Aki said

"go finish packing Itachi." i said. when Itachi walked out Aki ran after him and jumped on his back

"i'll help you Ita-kun." Aki chirped



"come on Aki it's not that hard to use puppets. your the cousin of a puppeteer." i said as i was leaning on the wall watching Aki and Sasori battle. i made Sasori not use any poison. Itachi was standing beside me watching Aki. 'one more day then we can leave'

-eight hours later-

Aki collapsed to the ground. her breathing was labored.

"wonderful Aki. twelve hours of fighting Sasori." i chirped. i walked forward and helped her up

"let's get some food." i said and hauled her to the kitchen

"damn bitch. you look fucked up." Hidan said. when i sat her down i gave her a lot of dango


i got Aki to Itachi's room and laid her on the bed

"good girl, you have tomorrow off. sleep." i said. i walked to my room. i changed and laid down falling asleep.


i sat in the living of the hideout watching Harry Potter. i was on the Prisoner of Azcaband. Aki was curled into my side asleep. i slowly got up and went to change the movie to the goblet of fire. i grabbed sodas and dango and returned to my seat. 'we'll leave tonight' i thought. i drank my sodas and ate my dango.


after i watched every Harry Potter movie i had my bag with me. Aki was half asleep leaning on Itachi

"let's go" i said. Itachi put Aki on his back. i grabbed his hand and flash stepped us to the village gates. we were half a mile from the gate

"okay. Itachi this won't hurt it's to save your life. i'll take away any top secret Akatsuki information away from your head." i said 'Yuri take the Akatsuki secrets and their main goal away.' i told Yuri 'Right' Yuri said


'done' Yuri said

i grabbed Itachi's sleeve and pulled him behind me. the sun started to raise when i saw Kotetsu and Izumo walk to the Guard's booth

"who's there?!" Kotetsu yelled

"Kazuma, and Aki, and Ita-." i never got to finish my sentence because Kotetsu and Izumo had their summoning swords

"Itachi Uchiha." they said. i flashed to then and bonked their heads

"Mendokusai na!" i yelled, "you were about to hit Aki!" i turned to see Itachi walking up to me holding Aki's legs to his torso. she didn't even move. she still had a loving smile on her face with her arm lovingly wrapped around Itachi;s neck

"let's go." i said. i placed my hand on Itachi's shoulder and flashed us to the Lord Hokage's tower

"Gramps!" i yelled. he looked up from his work

"nani, Kazuma?" he asked. then he saw Itachi. he summoned ANBU

"stop!" i yelled bonking the ANBU on the head as he reached for Itachi

"leave. that's an order." i yelled the ANBU left

"what's the meaning of this Kazuma?" Gramps asked

"Aki loves Itachi. she won't and can't let you hurt him or she will go on a rampage with her bombs." i said. i turned and looked at Itachi

"let's go to Kaida and Sasuke. so you can tell them the truth. it is Danzo's fault after all." i said. he nodded.

"ja ne, Gramps." i said and placed my hand on Itachi's shoulder and flashed us to the Uchiha household. i knocked on the door. when the door opened Kaida was standing there rubbing the sleep from her eyes

"nani?" she asked sleepily. when she opened her eyes they widened to the size of saucers. then stepped back in fear

"S-s-sasuke!" she stuttered/yelled

"calm down Kaida. he needs to tell you something." i said embracing her in a soothing hug. i walked her to the couch. that's when all hell broke loose

"Itachi!" Sasuke yelled. i spun around and got Sasuke stuck in my chakura threads and made him sit next to Kaida

"Kaida. sweety hold him please." i said, "now shut up and listen Sasuke." i ordered. Itachi had sat on the smaller couch with Aki's head on his chest


"bye Sasuke, Kaida." i said. 'Itachi and Aki will stay my house for tonight' i shut the door to Itachi and Aki's room and went to mine and fell asleep

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