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the first battle was:


i was gripping the railing as Naruto got hit through out the arena. he never gave up and continued to fight Neji. i activated Byakugan when Neji started to do sixty-four palms on Naruto.

"no." i whispered, Naruto laid on the ground. the protector was about to call the match but Naruto started to get up. i could sense the foul chakura of the Kyuubi

"he's not a lose. thank you Kurama." i whispered. Naruto created the shadow clone jutsu and Neji did rotation and Naruto and Neji ended up on two separate sides of the field. Neji got up first and walked to Naruto. then that Naruto poofed and Naruto punched Neji as he came out of the ground. Naruto was the victor,

"the next match will be postponed till the end." the protector said, "match three. Shino Aburame vs. Kankuro."

"i quit." i whipped my head towards Kankuro

"sly bastard." i chuckled.

the fourth match is:


the watchers went nuts. Raiden flipped out of the applicant's box. Raiden let Sosuke and Kisa grow to their full height. Katsuo slowly walked into the arena and let a cat down. it growed to the same size as Kisa

"dear little brother. let's see who's the better Neko Ninja." Katsuo said

"you should see my power." Raiden laughed, "summoning jutsu!" when the smoke cleared their where over fifty cats and two dragons. the fight was long and quick with Raiden's summonings, but Katsuo had made all the summonings leave. Raiden' panthers where out cold in their kitten forms, Katsuo's demon cat was beside Katsuo barring its fangs

"i'm not done yet!" Raiden howled and charged Katsuo with his two twin fang swords. Raiden dropped to his knees clutching his shoulder. i saw the curse mark spread over Raiden's face

"no!" i growled



i dropped to my knees letting my swords clatter to the ground.

"i won't let it take over. i will become a true Neko. i will earn my tail." i growled to myself i slowly got up. i could feel something come out of my waist as i made the curse mark return to the original form. i felt my nails and teeth sharpen. my eyesight got brighter. my arms burned. i looked down and saw silver tiger stripes appear on my arms. i then felt my face burn and knew the same silver stripes appeared on my face

"Kiki, Dragon Flame Claws." Katsuo ordered. Kiki ran towards me as i felt a burning sensation on my legs and torso. i couldn't move. i felt claws slice my shirt and cut my skin. i growled in pain. i ripped my shirt off and started healing the cuts. i felt something brush my back. i looked behind me to see a black tail with silver tiger stripes. i ran forward making my silver blue chidori

"chidori!" i yelled hitting his left shoulder. his body dropped to the ground paralyzed. at least my chidori doesn't kill it paralyzes.


i stood flabbergasted. he got his tail

"winner Raiden Neko!" the protector announced. i jumped down as Raiden dropped to his knees.

"careful, kitty. you used to much chakura." i whispered into his hair and picked him up bridal style. medics came and got both Nekos and brought them to the hospital. i was on the arena with the protector



i created a shield so me and the protector wouldn't blow up. Aki summoned Salamander. Aki threw bombs at Eunice. her battle was quick. Aki came out with a few cuts and Eunice had second degree burns from the bombs and fire of her puppet.



at the end of their battle Shikamaru forfeited because he was reaching his limit. i chuckled. 'lovebirds' i laughed

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