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i woke up and got dressed ready to meet my team. after i was dressed i flashed stepped to gramps' office to see many jounin.

"yo, gramps." i said walking forward and sitting on his desk.

"so who's my team?" i asked

"well it's team seven and team eleven since you're return you might be rusty." gramps said.

"cool. so who are the students and the other sensai?" i asked

"team seven consist of Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, and Sakura Haruno and their sensai is Kakashi Hatake..." gramps started

"no way where is he. he was dad's student. i can't wait to work with him." i said

"yo." i heard a lazy voice. i turned to see a man with 3/4ths of his face covered and hair silver like a bell that was defying gravity.

"Kakashi nice to see you." i said with a smile. a cough got my attention to see an irritated hokage.

"oops. continue." i said

"goo and team eleven consist of Hazumi and Aki Hana and Raiden Neko. now that the teams are done you are dismissed." gramps said

"jane gramps." i said and flash stepped to the classroom and sat in a dark corner

'now i wait' i thought


there were six students still in the room. naruto did a prank on kakashi. i took a senbon needle out when i saw a hand open the door and threw it sticking it to the wall.

"Naruto what did I say about pranks?" I asked with a low growl in my throat.

"where'd that come from?" the girls asked no one in general. I stood up and flashed stepped to where I was in front of them.

"kakashi act like a jounin would you. you pervert." I said tilting my head giving him a glare.

"who are you?" a boy with short silver hair and silver eyes with slits asked 'ah the neko' I thought

"your sensei, brat. show me respect. now you six follow me and kakashi to the roof for introductions. never mind head to the roof me and kakashi will meet you there." I said and flash stepped to the roof and sat on the railing.

"good now that everyone's here lets start" i said

"how about you start you are a mystery after all senseis." pinky said

" okay. you go first Kakashi." i said

" my name is Hatake Kakashi. I'm the kind of person who doesn't feel like talking about his likes and dislikes! my dreams for the future are none of your business... but any way, i have lots of hobbies. okay, Kazuma." Kakashi said

"the name's uzumaki kazuma. i'm sixteen years old, a jounin rank maybe an ANBU. my likes are dango, singing, playing my acoustic and electric guitar, quiet, studying, training, weapons, running, bells, gai, the color red, black, and gray, blood, lee, interrogations, and bombs and puppets. my dislikes are enemies, pranks, and perverts. i'm bipolar, smart, kind, easily angered, lazy, gentle, shy sometimes, protective, sweet, calm, and sarcastic. i've been a jounin since the age of six. i'm a suna and konoha ninja. my hobbies are making different bombs, puppets and singing and playing my guitars. my dream for the future is to be an interrogator and ANBU captain. thats it about me, but i want you to meet someone, okay Inuyasha, Kagome you can come out from hiding." I said my dragon tattoos moved and peeled off and dropped to the ground. Inuyasha and Kagome were in their human forms this time.

"okay you on the right start." i said as Inuyasha and Kagome sat at my feet 'naruto's turn. he-he' i thought

"me, right?! my name is uzumaki naruto! what i like is instant cup ramen! what i like better is when master Iruka treats me to ramen at the ichiraku noodle bar! what i hate is the three minute wait after i pour in the boiling water. my dream is to one day..." naruto said. i looked at kakashi and saw a weird look in his eye.

"be a better shinobi than lord hokage!! and then all the villagers will have to acknowledge my existence at last!! my hobbies are pranks and practical jokes, i guess." naruto said

"next the red head." i said

"my name's Hana Aki my likes are training, exploding things, setting things on fire, red, orange, dango, wolves, and horses. my dislikes are snakes, people who treat my cousin Gaara bad, ramen. my dream is to be an ANBU bomb expert. and my hobbies are making bombs and training with them." Aki said

"Next. oh and Aki i like the fact you love bombs like me." i said

"my name's Hana Hazumi. my likes are training, my friend sasuke, wolves, horses, flowers, and puppets. my dislikes are snakes, ramen, and people who treat my cousin Gaara bad. my dream is to be the ANBU kunoichi to heal my comrades, my hobbies are spending time with my animal friends, and trying to practice my healing and genjutsu." Hazumi sai

"next." i said 'Hazumi I'll train you in healing and genjutsu' i told her telepathically 'don't worry it's me Kazuma.' i said

"my name is Uchiha Sasuke, there are plenty of things i hate, but i don't see that it matters, considering there is almost nothing i do like. it seems pointless to talk about 'dreams'... that's just a word... but what i do have is determination. i plan to restore my clan and there's someone i have sworn to kill." sasuke said 'I'll try to talk to Itachi to tell him what happened. he needs to know.' i thought

"next." i said

"my name is Neko Raiden. my likes are dango, training, fighting, cats, BBQ, protecting others, and dragons. my dislikes are snakes, orochimaru, my fangirls, ramen, pink, and cowards. my dream is to be an ANBU animal captain. my hobbies are practicing my swords."

"next." Kakashi said

"i am Haruno Sakura. my favorite thing is... well it's not a thing, it's a person. a boy... and that boy is...*squeals and looks at sasuke* uh... let's move on to my dream...*squeals and blushes* I hate... Naruto! my hobbies are...*looks at sasuke*" sakura says

"okay before my brain melts Kakashi talk. please." i growled and zoned out. i zoned back in when i heard Kakashi

"and don't eat breakfast or you'll throw up and don't be late!"Kakashi says

"okay come on naruto let's go home. Ja ne everyone. see you tomorrow." i said grabbing naruto and flash stepping home. i grabbed three apples and went to my room and blasted AC/DC and worked on my bombs.

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