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i lifted my head to see a now destroyed clock under my fist and some blood. i leaned up and started licking my hand when naruto walked in.

"what are you doing?" he asked

"um, i'm healing my hand..." i started

"what happened? do you need a hospital? hows that healing?..." he rambled

"shut up. i'm fine naruto. i crushed my clock. no i don't need a hospital. this is how i heal minor cuts." i said, "now out i need to change."

"okay." he said and walked out of my room shutting the door. i hopped up and went to my clothes. it consisted of black leather pants, black goth combat boots, black crop top, black leather trench coat (like selene's coat from underworld), black fingerless gloves, black mask hung around the neck, leather choker with Uzumaki clan symbol on it, and my yin necklace. i grabbed my sand headband and tied it around my waist and tied my leaf headband around my forehead. i pulled my long black hair into a ponytail. you could see my scar on the back of my neck. Inuyasha and Kagome were my dragon tattoos you could see on my stomach. i left my room and went to the kitchen to see naruto eating ramen. i grabbed a granny smith apple and turned to face naruto. i heard the bells that were on my pony tail.

"you ready for the graduation test, kiddo?" i asked.

"you be. believe it!" he said.

"let's go then. i'll drop you off at school." i said

-time skip to gramps' office-

"gramps, is it okay if i have a team?" i asked.

"sure." he said

"thank you." i said and left to go get dango. i got my dango to go and walked to the academy. i leaned my self up against the academy wall and munched on my dango. sometime later i saw sasuke walk out.

"yo. sasuke, how'd you do?" i asked

"i passed." he said

"good. i hope you're on my team. i signed up to be a sensai." i said throwing the stick where it stuck in a tree. i repeated the process over and over till i had no more dango. i saw naruto walk to the swing

"hey isn't he the kid who..?"

"yeah that's him, the only one who failed!"

"serves him right.."

"can you imagine if they let someone like him become a shinobi..?! i mean, think about what he is.."

"don't even go there."

"shh. don't talk about him remember what happened yesterday."

"that would be a great idea, don't you think?" i said with a sickly sweet voice with venom dripping on the question. they slowly turned their heads toward me.

"Y-yes Lady Kazuma." hey said

"good." i said and walked toward naruto, but got stopped when a girl with short purple/blue hair and pale lavender eyes.

' a hyuuga' i thought

"what is it and can you tell me your name?" i asked sweetly

"H-Hinata H-Hyuuga." she stuttered

"you don't have to stutter around me, sweetheart. here follow me to the ree so we can talk, okay?" i asked sweetly

"hm" she nodded and followed me

"now what's you need" i asked kindly

"A-are you really Naruto-kun's sister?" she asked 'oh she likes him. kawaii!' i thought

"yeah i'm his sister. you know hinata this makes us friends, my names Kazuma Uzumaki." i said . i lowered my voice to a whisper and leaned forward.

"i can tell you like naruto and if you two ever start dating i would love to become your sister-in-law. your adorable, hinata." i said and leaned away to see a beet red face

"lady hinata time to leave!" one her family members said

"O-okay. bye kazuma." she said running up to him. i decided to go home with some dango and work on my bombs and puppets.

-at home-

i blasted AC/DC and went to work. i worked on my fingernail polish bombs to wear when its on your fingers it can explode locks if your locked up in an enemy dungeon. i got started. when i heard my name being called i turned to my clock on the wall to see it was seven AM

"yeah, naruto?" i yelled. next thing i know i'm on the floor in an embrace

"i passed. i fought mizuki sensai because he tricked me into stealing a scroll and i learned the shadow clone jutsu...?" he rambled.

"woah, woah. calm down little man. get up." i the air. once he was up i went back to my desk to see smoke coming from my fingernail polish bomb about to go off.

"crystal style: crystal cube." i said and saw the bomb get enclosed in stopping the explosion. i sighed in relief.

"naruto please be careful i have explosives on this desk. don't come tackling me in a hug if i'm sitting here. safety precautions okay, kiddo?" i asked.

"yep, sis." naruto said.

"okay, you can do whatever i'm going to bed, because i've been up all night." i said.

"bye." naruto asid. i changed into my sleeping wear. i let Inuyasha and Kagome peal off my body. they appeared in their wolf forms. Inuyasha was a silver/white wolf with gold eyes and kagome was a black wolf with blue/brown eyes.

"enjoy yourselves i'm going to sleep." i said.

"you stayed up all night didn't you?" they asked.

"yeah, lost track of time. night." i said laying down and falling asleep.

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