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i can't watch. i walked away and went to the room holding the exam applicants. i wrapped my arms around Gaara's neck. i felt his sand go to the curse mark

"i'm okay." i whispered. i released Gaara and turned Kankuro. i had a glint in my eye that made Kankuro shiver. i walked up to him

"BAKA!" i screamed and hit him up side the head

"great job Naruto." i said and turned to my little brother. i looked to the battle. Hazumi was within the trees using her puppets

"Aki come here." i giggled. i embraced her

"you did awesome." i said

"thanks sensei." Aki said. i turned to Shino

"you must be Shino Aburame. it's a pleasure to meet you." i said. i felt crawling on my face. i brushed my hand gently. there was a bug on my finger

"here, Shino. i don't want to crush her." i said

"winner Haku Yuki!" the protector yelled. i turned to see Hazumi unconscious. i could see a glint of two needles in her neck



i gripped the railing watching in worry for my Gaara and student. i saw Temari place her hand on mine. i could hear her thoughts that were for me to hear

'don't be angry with the event to come. it's orders from the Kazekage.' Temari thought

'what orders?' i thought

'betrayal to the leaf.' Temari thought

"what?" i gasped. my face drain of all color as i heard a blood curdling scream. i looked to Gaara to see his sand ball start to collapse. 'help my baby!' Yuri screamed. i shot towards Gaara and embraced him with my body glowing firey gold. i looked to the stands to see everyone asleep except a handful of people,

"Kazuma we need to flee. Gaara is going to lose it." Temari said. i nodded

"i'll help." i said

"but they might think you're involved." Kankuro said. i shot a glare at him making him shut up. we hoped over the wall and left. Inuyasha is fighting sound nin. Kagome was carrying me and Gaara while Temari and Kankuro were beside us. i saw sound nin coming. one tackled me off of Kagome. i hit my head on a tree trunk. i slowly got up. i lost my sense of direction. i dropped to my knees. the world spun. i saw nine sound nin approach me. i let my eyes flare red to show them i was pissed. 'let me kill them.' Shadow growled. i let my body shift. i saw fear on their faces. i gave a sadistic wolf grin. i pounced ripping two nin's throats with my claws. i dug my claws into a third nin and sunk my jaws in his neck letting him drop. i felt a sword slice my side. i let Shadow's blood lust take over. 'this is so slow'


i trudged into the hospital holding my side. i used up to much chakura. i walked to the middle of the waiting room before i dropped from blood loss and lost consciousness.


we lost Dosu now i'm helping Konoha survive Orochimaru's plans. i got Kin and Zaku to betray the sound. i kept fighting for hours.

"Kin!" i squealed and collapsed

"i'll take you to the hospital" she ripped my headband off and took the cloth and tied it around my arm closing a wound when i blacked out


i laid in my hospital bed in pain, but i didn't care. i finally became a full fledged Neko. i have my ears and tail. i could hear fighting outside in the village. i turned my head to the left and saw my older brother asleep. i guess i should sleep so the pain will leave. i closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.


i could hear beeping. i slowly opened my eyes. it felt like i died. i hate it when Haku does that. sleepily i closed my eyes letting sleep take me again.


"Kakashi!" i yelled and tackled him to the ground while i cut the sound nin.

"damn Orochimaru." i growled. i got up but got hit upside the head

"Reika!" Kakashi yelled. the color faded and i passed out from the pain pounding in my skull.

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