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we had made it back to Konoha. Gramps let Zabuza become a Jounin and Haku joined my team. i was eating dango when i saw a flash of short red hair. i dropped my dango and paid before sprinting out of the restaurant. i squeezed my way through the crowd following the red head. as soon as i was at least five feet away with no one in front of me i flashed stepped in front of him and tackled him to the ground in a warm embrace

"Gaara." i whispered, " i missed you Gaara, you to Shukaku." i released him and stood up extending my hand hauling him to his feet

"who are you?" Gaara asked. i embraced him in a warm hug

"Kazuma Uzumaki." i said leaning away and kissed him on his love tattoo.

"you're still cute as ever Gaara." i said, "where's Temari and Kankuro?" i asked

" i was about to stop them from attacking seven Genin." he said

"wait, seven?" i asked

"let's go." he grabbed my hand and took me to a tree. i saw Temari and Kankuro, i was itching to pounce on them

"go ahead." i pounced and tackled Kankuro in Temari and all three of us fell into a heap me on top of Temari and Kankuro giving them a death grip hug

"don't go hurting my Genin." i chirped snuggling my face in between the two

"K-kazuma?" Temari spoke first

"yep, what'd you need?" i asked

"oh my god!" Temari yelled making me wince. she hugged me back with a bone crushing hug

"Temari let her go. she can't breath." Gaara said. i felt Temari and Kankuro stiffen. i released them and skipped over to Gaara and jumped up in the tree hugging him passionately

"Gaara don't be so mean." i cooed pouting. i saw Temari and Kankuro both had fear on their faces

"um, Kuro-chan, Mari-chan why are you terrified?" i asked tilting my head to the side still hugging Gaara. before either one of them could answer i saw a flash of purple and red tackle Temari and Kankuro

"Kitty-chan, Mari-chan!" the voices of the Hanas yelled in unison. Gaara tightened his grip on me and we appeared on the ground behind the pile of four bodies. i started laughing and smiled with a cheshire grin. the Hanas looked up and gasped

"Ga-kun!" they shouted running to me and Gaara.

"no Hanas you mean Panda-kun. he's my Panda. don't take my precious or i'll bomb you." i said in a sickly sweet erie voice

"Aki, Hazumi, it's been awhile hasn't it?" Gaara asked

"yep we missed our-" Hazumi started

"favorite cousin!" Aki finished. we chatted for about ten minutes when Gaara was ready to leave

"Kankuro, Temari lets go." Gaara said, but Sasuke had to talk

"you what's your name?" Sasuke asked

"w-who me?" Temari stuttered

"no the one with the gourd." Sasuke said 'is he deaf his name was said many times' i thought

"Gaara of the Deseret, your name?" Gaara said

"Sasuke Uchiha." Sasuke said

"hey! you wanna know my name?!" Naruto yelled

"No." Gaara said and turned and walked away

"Gaara don't be mean." i pouted and ran to him

"do you guys have somewhere to stay?" i asked

"yeah, Baki got us a hotel room." Temari said

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