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i opened my eyes to see a white ceiling. i leaned up. pain flared in my side

"damn." i hissed

"your awake!" i heard Aki, Naruto, and Sakura say. i was hugged by Naruto and Aki

"how long was i out?" i asked

"a week." i looked up to see Raiden

"there's also something else you'd want to know." Raiden said. i looked at him

"what?" i asked

"Lord Third Hokage was killed by Orochimaru." Raiden said, "Naruto should be leaving in a few hours to go get the next Hokage."

"who?" i asked

"Princess of the Slugs, Lady Tsunade, the legendary sannin." Raiden said. i put my feet on the floor. i stood up and walked to the door

"you shouldn't move!" Sakura yelled. i walked out of the room and walked till i felt that sound nin group from the exams. i opened the door to see a male with wrapped arms, two twins asleep on their beds. i didn't see their headbands.

"if your wondering why we're here. Akari got us to betray the sound." a male voice said

"hm. i guess reflexes kicked in. who are you?" i asked leaning on the wall

"Zaku Abumi, the one that looks kinder is Akari Tsuchi. the other one is Akari's older twin sister Kin Tsuchi." Zaku said

"okay, i'll leave so you can get rest." i said. once i was out of the room an ANBU appeared

"what is it?" i asked

"my name is Camellia. the elders want you to the temporary Hokage till Tsunade gets here." she said

"okay lets go." i said, "just let me get my things." i walked to my hospital room to see Raiden, Aki, Sakura, Haku, Kakashi, Zabuza there. i guess Naruto left. i started to collect my things that are on a table by the wall

"where are you going? you're not healed completely." Kakashi said

"i was informed i'm the temporary Hokage till Tsunade gets here." i said walking out of the door

"you ready, miss?" Camellia asked

"hai, lets go." i said. we walked out of the hospital and went to the Hokage tower. i sat in the chair behind the desk

"so Camellia what am i exactly suppose to do?" i asked

"i'll let the elders inform you." Camellia said

"i want you to not wear the ANBU uniform around me." i said

"hai, Lady Hokage." she said and bowed, "i'll go change now." she left. i sat back in the seat

"how long am i going to be in this position?" i asked my self. i sat in silence for ten minutes. a knock broke the silence

"come in" i said professionally. a twelve year old walked in she had misty blue eyes, short black hair to her shoulders. she had fair skin, she wore gray cargo pants, crop top, black combat boots, fingerless gloves, and a black jacket/trench like Anko's. her headband was tied around her waist like a belt.

"Hokage-sama." she said and bowed

"wow. Camellia your young to be on ANBU. you must be powerful." i said

"team 8 is here for a mission." Camellia said. she got up and stood beside me. a knock came from the door. i pulled the missions in front of me

"come in." i said. the door opened to reveal Kurenai's team.

"Kazuma-sensei?" Hinata asked

"here's your mission. you are to go and get supplies to repair some of the buildings and food for the people who lost their homes." i said handing Kurenai the scroll. i looked to see Kiba to see a flushed face

"oh this is Camellia, an ANBU member." i said. team 8 left. i relaxed and looked to Camellia

"you have a crush on the Inuzuka, huh?" i asked. her face flushed. i was about to speak when a boy appeared in the room

"what is it?" i asked professionally.

"i'm Sai. Lord Danzo would like to see Camellia." Sai said

"i have orders to stay with Kazuma-san." Camellia said. i got up and walked to Sai.

"why aren't you smiling? i can feel the pain and suffering deep within your chakura." i said

"i-i'll go stand outside." Camellia said. i nodded. Sai told me what happened to his older brother. after his story i hugged him

"make friends to fill in the hole in your heart." i said, "when you're around me i want you to smile around me. you can call me your big sister. you need a shoulder to lean on i'm there for you."


i pulled away from Sai and sat back in my seat.

"you may go Sai." i said, "come in." the door opened to see Camellia with team 12.

"Reika are you sure you can do this?" i asked

"Hai, Hokage." Reika said

"here's a D rank mission to get the animals under control." i said and gave them the scroll.


i was finally relieved of the Hokage title. Tsunade accepted the title, Sasuke asked Sakura out, Naruto asked Hinata out, but fainted from happiness, Hazumi asked Rock Lee out, Neji asked TenTen out. i walked to a bookstore and brought a Greek Mythology cross word puzzle. i sat on my chair at my desk and pulled a pen out.


who is the goddess of love and beauty?

i thought this over. the goddess of love and beauty is Aphrodite.


who is the god of war?



who is the god of wine?"



who is the god of the underworld?



who is the god of fire, crafts, and of blacksmiths?



who is the goddess of marriage?



who is the god of travelers and thieves?



who is the god of sleep?



who is the goddess of rainbows?



who is the god of the wild?



who is the god of the sea?



who is the god of the sky?


i finished the crossword and put the book up. i got up and went outside. i walked the dark streets of Konoha. i went to a store that is open late and got a popsicle. i sat on a bench finishing the popsicle. i looked up at the stars. Naruto told me he's leaving to train with Jiraiya. i got up and went home. i changed and laid on the bed letting sleep take me.

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