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"how far away is the target?" Kakashi asked through the wireless head set.

"five meters and closing." Sasuke said

"so... how much longer..." Hazumi said

"are we going to wait?!" Aki finished

"i'm in position." Raiden said

"so am i." Naruto and Sakura said

"all right." Kakashi said

"go!" i said. i heard yelling and hissing. when i walked to the six Genin Raiden had the cat while Naruto had scratches on his face.

-time skip-

Naruto complained about the 'baby missions' we were getting when Gramps gave us a C rank mission. Naruto gave options of an A rank or S rank missions when this was a C rank.

"let him come in so you can meet him." Gramps said. i turned my head and smelled alcohol and the smell of salt water 'no frikin way.' i thought. when the man came into view. i instantly lit up and launched myself at him

"grampa!" i shouted glomping him

"Kazuma." Tazuna said hugging me

"i missed you guys." i said

"Kazuma, you know this man?" Gramps and Kakashi asked

"yep, he adopted me seven years ago." i said. after Grampa Tazuna gave instructions to Kakashi and the six Genin, we went and packed. i knew why he came for help it was Gato again so i packed plenty of bombs in my bomb scroll storage, my weapon scroll, ten food scroll, my clothes and puppet scrolls in my backpack. i headed for the gates. Grampa Tazuna was waiting for us

"Grampa, can i talk to you before the others get here?" i asked

"sure Zu-chan." he said

"is this mission request about Gato?" i asked

"yes. now we barely have anything in the village." he said

"if it's food i brought ten food scrolls to share with the village." i said taking his alcohol away

"no more alcohol Grampa. not while i'm around, but you can have small amounts." i said

"okay, Zu-chan." Grampa said

"ZU-chan?" i turned to see the others there now but it was Sasuke who spoke.

"yeah that's what i'm called. i'm his adopted grandchild. so i'm fine." i said. we started walking when i felt two chakuras of the demon brothers. 'no Zabuza got brought into this.' i thought

-time skip-(to lazy to write this fight scene)

after the boat ride to the village Naruto started throwing kunai at nothing just bushes then we encountered a snow bunny not a brown bunny. i summoned my Executioner's sword flash stepping to the tree where Zabuza now stood

"Zabuza!" i said happily hugging him taking his mist headband off

"Kazuma." Zabuza said hugging me back

"Kazuma he's a rogue ninja. get away!" Naruto yelled

"No!" i yelled. i turned to Zabuza

"don't work for Gato, Zabu-nii." i said

"he's protecting me and Haku." Zabuza said

"you're not working for him Zabuza Momochi. i won't let you work for him. now call Haku you're helping me guard Grampa Tazuna." i growled in a demonic voice. i saw him shiver and felt the eight on the ground and one in a nearby tree watching shiver

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