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i leaned back in my chair and admired my new bomb

"perfect. now i just need to paint my nails black." i said. i looked over to my new clock and saw that it was two in the morning

"eh, it wouldn't hurt to pull an all nighter." i mumbled and sat my fingernail polish to the side and started making some small bombs that were deadly. when i finished those bombs i started painting my nails when i heard my door open

"what do you need naruto?" i asked painting my last nail

"um the training this morning and i thought you were asleep." naruto said

"nah, i stayed up all night working on bombs. now lets go." i said grabbing my pouch, holster, and trench coat and walked to the kitchen and grabbed an apple

"let's go naruto!" i yelled

"coming!" naruto yelled. when we got to the training ground everyone else was there. i walked over to a tree and sat on a branch eating my apple and going threw my bombs i had with me

"Kazuma-sensei why do you have nail polish?" i looked up to see Aki

"well, if it isn't my favorite bomb student. the fingernail polish is a bomb. you paint it on your nails and if you're ever captured by the enemy and they lock you up you can explode the locks." i said, "i'll show you." i jumped down and punched the ground and it exploded till there was a nice little crater.

"i'll give you some, but right now its only in black, grey, and red." i said

"i want red." Aki said with stars in her eyes. i put my bombs up and walked to the three stumps and sat on one of them. i was meditating when i heard yelling

"You're late!" i looked up and saw Naruto and Sakura glaring at Kakashi.

"we'll be doing the bell test. you each have to get one of these bells. only two will be gold bells that Kazuma will hold while i have four silver bells, and if you don't get a bell by lunch me and Kazuma will eat your lunch in front of you." Kakashi said, "you may, if you choose use shuriken, Attack as though you mean to kill or you'll never stand a chance."

"but... but that's so dangerous!" Sakura and Hazumi said

"you couldn't even dodge an eraser without help! you're gonna get yourself killed!" Naruto said

"only the weak speak loudly. now, let's forget the dunce, and we'll start on my signal." Kakashi said. i saw Naruto get mad and grabbed a kunai, but before Naruto could do anything Kakashi held Naruto's hand with the kunai towards his head

"now Kakashi don't go killing my little brother would you." i said

"not so fast. i didn't say 'go'" Kakashi said, "but at least you struck to kill. so, it seems you've begun to respect me. heh-heh-heh... maybe... just maybe... i'm starting to like you six. and now ready set... go!" i flash stepped to a clearing. i waited to see who would come for a gold bell. i saw short silver hair like Naruto's but there was silver cat ears come into view.

"Raiden, the only Neko left behind." i said. he came at me with kunai in one hand and shuriken in the other. i bent my knees a little waiting for him to throw them at me. he threw the shuriken at me. i easily dodged them however once i dodged them we went into a taijutsu battle.

he kicked at my side but i blocked with my left arm, he then punched for my face but caught it with my right hand. my tail had his left foot. out of the corner of my eye i saw his right hand reach for the bell. i pushed him away and did some hand signs

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