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me and Kakashi started training the Genin on how to walk up the side of a tree. right now we're on the third day of training. Sakura, Aki, and Raiden got it on the first try. so now they guard Tazuna. Hazumi was better and higher then Naruto and Sasuke


somewhere else in the woods is a short man talking to his hooligans

"what do you mean Zabuza betrayed us?" the short man shouted

"Gato, sir. it was a young girl wearing a Jounin vest. she also had another Jounin and six Genin with her. Zabuza chose her over you sir." hooligan 1 said

"well, next time we encounter them kill them all." Gato ordered


I sneezed while i was reading to Inari.

"you know Onee-chan if someone talks about you from a distance you sneeze." Inari said

"that so, kiddo?" i asked patting his head

"yap." Inari said


we were all eating waiting for Sasuke and Naruto to return. i have noticed lately that Sasuke keeps glancing at Sakura. 'i wonder what's going on with them. first Sasuke had to share a room with her now this.' i thought, i broke out of my thoughts by the door opening. i turned my head to see Sasuke helping Naruto walk.

"heh... both of us..." Naruto said

"we made it to the top of the tree." Sasuke said

"good" Kakashi said

"now we can all guard Tazuna tomorrow." i said

-next morning-

"please take care of Naruto, mom." i said, "he's worn himself out. i doubt he'll be able to move for the rest of the day."

"we're off, Tsunami." Grampa said

"bye." mom said. when we got to the bridge we saw the workers laying on the ground and standing between them are four S-rank criminals. i activated my Kekkei Genkai and summoned Selene's, Shadow's, and Yurippe's chakura summoning my Executioners blade

" let's play." i growled with a sweet smile

"kill them." thug one said 'hand signs: bird-snake-monkey-tiger-dog' i thought

"ice style: black dragon blizzard!" i growled. i pulled my sword and ran at one of the thugs. i pinned him down to the bridge with my sword holding him in place i pulled my katana out and used one hand to do a jutsu 'dragon-ox'i thought

"crystal armour." i growled/whispered. i took my katana and stabbed an artery in his neck making blood splatter on my face.

"go to hell." i growled my voice becoming more demonic and blood lust running through my veins. i could feel someone seeking up on me. i turned to see Sasuke hit the ground with Naruto in pain. i then lost it letting my body change into a wolfish panther with some firey red tint across my fur. when i looked at the thug i saw fear in his eyes. i pounced biting his neck artery and digging my claws in his chest ripping his heart out. i ran to Naruto and Sasuke and protected them as the two thugs advanced. i snarled at them

"yay, more prey. let's play." i growled in a demonic sickly sweet voice. i saw them shiver but still came forward until i saw Aki getting one of the thugs attention with bombs. thug three backed away going to Aki and Hazumi. i turned my attention to the fourth thug in front of me

"die!" he shouted aiming his sword at me, but i already had him on the ground snarling in his face itching to rip his face apart.

"die. good you can die. thanks for the idea." i snarled/growled launching my head towards his face. he let this ear piercing scream leave his mouth. i just laughed

"prepare to die." i growled demonically. i then ripped his flesh feeling his blood run down from my mouth.

"w-who a-are y-you." me muttered

"the shadow assassin." i growled and ripped his heart out. as i walked to the last thug the blood dripped out of my mouth. i looked to my comrades just staring at me with a hint of fear in their eyes. i turned back towards the last thug and pounced as Aki threw bombs and Hazumi made her puppet attack. i ripped his throat out, dragged my claws across his back, then bit his artery o his neck

"no one hurts my comrades." i growled letting his body hit the ground. i ran to Naruto and Sasuke letting my body shift back into human, but i let my hair change into feathers that were a golden red color, my eyes eyes changed to a glowing gold color. my body had this golden glow. i leaned down and placed my hands over them and let my hands glow a more vibrant golden color. a few minutes later they opened their eyes. i got up and turned to see Gato and a huge group of thugs. i flash stepped i front of him and stared him down with a bloody-tooth grin.

"who are you?" he asked. my grin became a sinister smile

"Kazuma Uzumaki. The Shadow Assassin." i growled. he had fear written all over him. i pulled my katana out and stabbed an artery in his neck. i watched him die. i smiled and turned to his thugs and threw some poison sleep bombs.

"go die!" i snarled and watched their bodies hit the bridge. i turned and walked back to my comrades with a smile. i saw Naruto look at me

"what Naruto?" i asked concerned leaked from my voice

"you're covered in blood." he said

"oh, that it's not mine it's my prays blood and boy they should have not attacked the villagers. now i killed Gato. yay!" i chirped and walked to the edge of the bridge and let Inuyasha and Kagome come out in their dragon forms and let them lick the blood off of me. a few minutes later i felt a hand on my shoulder. i glanced at the person to see Kakashi

"are you okay?" he asked

"yeah i'm fine. i'm just looking at the ocean its been three years since i've been here. i just miss Kaiza. he was like my dad. it's also been a while since i was in that form. they hurt Naruto and Sasuke. so i just snapped, but i had control over Selene's and Shadow's chakura." i said trailing off and looked back at the ocean

"let's head back to Tazuna's house." i perked up and turned heading for our little group

"yeah lets go." i said running to Zabuza and jumped on his back

"let's go!" i shouted

"you're nuts Kazuma, but i love you." Zabuza said chuckling

"you love me because i'm awesome!" i shouted

"besides that bloody battle made me tired." i leaned my head on his back closing my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

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