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I was walking down the dirt road to the leaf village. 'I can't wait to meet my little brother. I hope he looks like dad.' I thought walking up to the gates ,but I got stopped by two guards. 'they look like an older Kotetsu and Izumo.' I thought.

"Halt state your business." the one that looked like Kotetsu said.

"Hey, I almost didn't recognize you Kotetsu, Izumo. It's been thirteen years since the nine tails." I said smiling

"What's your name and give us information on why your here." Izumo said shocked that I knew him.

"Well, first off I'm sixteen and left when I was three. My dad handed me to an ANBU to take me to suna the same day my brother was born. I'm smart and have a good memory to remember names and faces. I'm a jounin level since I was six and I'm here to see my little brother for the first time. oh, and the names Kazuma, Kazuma Uzumaki. Now where's Naruto?" I said looking at their faces sent me into a fit of giggles.

" I'm the Fourth's daughter!" I snapped not liking the stairs from them

" Of course Lady Kazuma." they said in unison. they moved out of the way and I took off to the hokage tower, before I ran into some one full force.

"Watch where your going, Brat." I heard a cold voice say. I looked up to saw a men in a trench coat and scared face. he looks like

"IBIKI!" I squealed. He grabbed me and drug me into an allyway

"Who are you?" he growled

"Kazuma Uzumaki. Now let me go, Ibiki." I growled back. As soon as he let go I flashed stepped till I was in front of the hokage tower. I ran up the steps and ran to the office door and barged in to see Sarutobi and about ten different shinobi in the room.

"Gramps!" I said gleefully and flash stepped to him and gave him a hug

"Who do you think you are, Brat?" I saw a shinobi with a scar across his nose and his hair pulled in a spiky bun thing

"Kazuma Uzumaki, daughter of the fourth hokage. sixteen years old, Jounin rank. Why do you ask, Iruka?" I said. All I got was disbelieving stares

"Gramps can I know where Naruto is? I want to see my baby brother for the first time." I said. Gramps laughed and hugged me back with tears of joy.

"I knew you looked familiar Kazuma. Naruto is causing trouble again. He painted the mountain images and the Chuunin and Jounin here to get him." Gramps said

"Can I get him? Please?" I asked with puppy dog eyes, my cat ears flattened and my tail lowered

"Of course he has bright blonde hair like your father." Gramps said

"Thank you." I said running to the window and jumped out and landed on my feet on the building below me and looked up activating my Kekkei Genkai and found my little brother hanging from a rope painting the faces. I beamed and started for him. It happened all to fast and before I knew it I was on the mountain side calling to my little brother.

"Naruto!" I yelled . He looked at me and his face drained of all blood and then he took off running from the mountain. I instantly became depressed when I saw Iruka take off after him. I followed and tackled Naruto to the ground.

"LET ME GO!" Naruto yelled. I saw Iruka standing above us and when he saw my face I'm pretty sure I looked heartbroken.

"NARUTO THAT IS NO WAY TO TALK TO YOUR OLDER SISTER!" Iruka yelled. Naruto stopped and looked at me with confusion, but before I could say anything Iruka had him and was walking toward the academy. I followed after him. We made it to a classroom door when Iruka threw Naruto in.

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