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"Good. you got the Grand fireball jutsu down, but your panting. oh, and i want to show you one more then we'll call it a day." i said 'ram-serpent-tiger' i thought

"shadow clone jutsu." i whispered there were poofs every where and when the smoke cleared there were twenty mes all in a fighting stance.

" i can create more shadow clones using very little chakura, its the less that takes more except two to six shadow clones. i wanted to show you, you have great chakura, but you probly won't beable to use this jutsu. well, we're done and i need to get naruto then go talk to the hokage for living arangments. Jane." i said disappering in a cloud of smoke and reappering in gramps' office

"yo, gramps." i said monotonely

"what so you need kazuma?" gramps asked

"i wish to live in the yondaime mansion. since it belongs to me. i want naruto to move in with me." i said

"well, it is your house Kazuma. here are the keys." gramps said reaching in a draw pulling a key ring out with about five keys

"so if i remember correctly some of these go to some storage rooms there and one or two of thesee go to the indoor bathhouse. one of these definitly goes to the front door, right?" i asked

"yes, now run along and get naruto so he can bring you to his apartment to pack, Kazuma." gramps said

"yosh, thank you gramps." i said happily and flash stepped to the academy and sat down on the swing waiting for Naruto. i pulled my gitar summoning scroll and summoned my acustic gitar.

'okay, let's see if i still got it' i thought and started to play 'my song'

(i'll sometimes have this song in japanese and english)

"The day that ended while searching for where i could wipe out my frustrations. the sky shown grey and i couldn't see anything ahead, those who ignore common sense laugh; what lies will they tell next? what will be gained from hanging that up proudly? But i have to keep moving forward so i'll keep singing like this

Your crying for sure; you're lonely for sure you're right; you're just being human that's what the tears i shed say this is beautiful too; it's not a lie: thank you for our true selves."

i started having flashbacks when i watch Kaiza die with Inari beside me

"Having dreams you want to come true and dreams you can't reach that itself becomes the dream becomes the hope for people to go on living there's a door; i'm waiting there so i'll hold out my hand."

now i felt tears streaming down my face from the pain in my heart

"For you who feels crushed, here's the strenght and confidence for you to be able to fight again and my song that's what the tears i shed say like this too we met in a dirty and ugly world; thank you for this miracle."

i finished and opened my eyes to see bright blue ones and a sent of ramen.

"let's go Naruto." i said sending my gitar back in my scroll

"you were crying so i wanted to see what was wrong, Onee-chan." Naruto said

"oh that song brings painful memories back. i'm fine." i said wipping my face to get rid of the tears

"lead the way to your apartment your moving in with me." i said getting hyper. i heard some people talk about Naruto with my sensitive hearing

"Why isn't she yelling at him? He's a monster."

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