school (part 1)

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It was Wednesday when Makki and Mattsun were walking together like normal, Iwaizumi and Oikawa walked with each other which none of them minded, "what do you want to do on Sunday?" The slightly shorter one asked, looking to his side where his best friend was "we could go to the corner store?" Mattsun suggested, to the other "nah, that's boring let's do something more fun hmm what about the park?" Was another idea suggested by Makki, matsukawa shook his head "kids will most likely be there and take over the swings, seesaw and the whole place" and the list goes on. They talked more until they reached to the school.

The duo met up with the other half of the group. They all said hi and asked how each other were, of course Mattsun and Makki were teasing Iwaizumi and Oikawa, which they both ended up getting hit by the dark-brown haired male. 'WORTH IT!' the duo thought before heading into the gym for morning practice. "Did I tell everyone we had practice today?" The captain asked, as he opened the gym doors and turned the lights on "No, I didn't get anything so" Makki replied, as he went to get the volleyballs "alright I'll do that now, Mattsun and Iwaizumi help Makki set up!" He ordered, they did as he said

The "Aobe Johsai❤️" GC

@King🤩❤️: @everyone we have practice today, I forgotten to say last night

'Everyone came online except Iwaizumi, Makki and Mattsun'

@Mad-dog🐕: Are you fucking joking me?

@Dog trainer: Don't be rude to captain!

@Mad-dog🐕: Tch whatever.

'@Mad-dog🐕 went offline'

@Dog-trainer: We'll be there!

@Onion head: See you guys there

@sleeping💤: ugh fine yup

@water-bender: yes captain!

@sweet one: okay!! We'll see you there :D

@bad hair day: 👍

@sleep guys' twin: fine be there in a few minutes

Back with the others

Oikawa gave the three a thumbs up, saying he told them all and that they're coming "I'm not practicing until the others arrive" Makki stated sitting on a bench infront of his locker, "okay that's fair" the captain said changing his shirt to the Jersey. After a bit of talking and after everyone arrived and changed, they all went to the court and started practicing what they needed to work on.

Time skip

It was already lunch and the group of four went to the roof to eat. They spoke about volleyball, food, drinks and then Oikawa asked something kind of strange, "Makki, can I speak to you?" He asked looking at Hanamaki who was stuffing onigiri in his mouth, he nodded as an answer.

With the 2 boys

The two stood up and went to the rooftop door close enough for Iwaizumi and Mattsun to see them but not close enough for them to hear them, "what's up?" The pinkie brown-haired male asked, he questioned why his friend wanted to talk to him randomly, 'was it about Iwazumi?' 'Did someone say soemthing to him?' 'Was something upsetting him?', All those thoughts wondered around Makki's head "well two things one being I know you like him, and I like Iwa-chan" he whispered just incase anyone heard them, Makki on the other hand was shocked "was I really that obvious?!" Is all he could say, Oikawa covered his mouth "yes now be quiet!" He got a nod for a reply, he removed his hand "okay now about you and zumi aye?", Makki smirked at Oikawa who blushed "when did you start liking him?" Makki leaned against one of the doors while asking, "ever since we were younger maybe around 11 years old?" Makki stood back up "hold up you knew you liked men since you were 11?" Oikawa whispered quietly leaving the other confused.

(656 Words)

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