"who do you think you are?!"

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This chapter is based off of fanart I saw! [Art is not mine creds to the artist 👍] so enjoy also there's gonna be harassment.

Here's the fanart:


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The two boys were still asleep, both still on the couch together. However Makki's position changed, he's turned on his side hugging Mattsun around the waist, facing the other. Mattsun still had his arm around Makki, Iwaizumi and Oikawa took photos of this. So they could win a fight, if Mattsun tries anything.
Oikawa and Iwaizumi decided to make breakfast together, so they did. The two made pancakes, "you go wake them up Kawa" Iwaizumi said in a calm voice. He did with a smirk.

Living room

Oikawa walked in, him seeing the position changed made the smirk bigger, he took another photo before walking over to Mattsun. He leaned over the back of the couch, and went close to his ear and whispered. "Mattsun!~ wake up" he spoke with a cheeky smile, Mattsun was a light sleeper so he woke up with just that. "Hm?" A noise that came from sleepy Mattsun, he stretched almost hitting Oikawa in the face. He opened his eyes slowly, he yawned looking back at Oikawa, he hadn't of noticed Makki yet. Oikawa giggled leaving the other confused "breakfast is ready don't forget to wake Makki up" he smiled cheekily as he spoke, that confused the other even more he was gonna get up. But he couldn't well not easily anyway, he looked down his ears turning a shade of pink. Which slowly made its way to his face, he sat back down and tried to moved Makki "mmmm..noo.." he said still asleep, mattsun's eyes widened slightly "makki...wake up.." he was whispering softly, he knew Makki was a heavy sleeper but tried be soft anyways, when Makki didn't move he lifted Makki up moving him to his chest. Wrapping his arms around him, he shook him gently. Makki started waking up, he stretched and yawned opening his eyes after, he looked to his side to see his crush. This made Hanamaki blush, Mattsun let go and Makki got up "sorry.." he said quietly. "ARE YOU GUYS COMING?!" Iwaizumi shouted getting inpatient. The two made their way to the kitchen.

In The Kitchen

The boys walked in. Blushing well you could tell Makki was, Mattsun didn't seem like it but his heart was pounding. Oikawa wiggled his eyebrows, Hanamaki looked at him and rolled his eyes sitting down. Mattsun sat beside him, they talked for a bit. Until Hanamaki's phone rang, he picked it up. "Hello?" He spoke as a 'No Caller Id' came up.

The call:

??: Hey Taka..
Makki: ...what do you want. Don't call me that either.
??: so mean Takahiro but come to bar tonight I want to see you again..with a couple of my mates..
Makki: I'm not fucking stupid I'm not going and stop calling me by my first name. You lost that privilege
??: still a pussy I see. Listen if you don't come I'm telling all your friends what happened in middle school so. What's it going to be?!
Makki: ......fine
??: thought so. Now goodbye my love
Makki: ....hangs up

He looked scared, they could all see that. He was texted a time to be at the bar at, they all looked worried. "Who was that Makki?" Iwaizumi asked, Makki shook his head "no one you need to worry about..I'm going to get ready you's can stay here I don't care" he stood up, he said thanks again for the food and left to his room. The others didn't know what to say, but they knew something was wrong. Iwaizumi looked at Mattsun with a serious face, "I want you to follow Makki make sure nothing happens" Oikawa nodded. He wants Mattsun to do it, and of course he disagreed but after a bit they convinced him.

When he was leaving

Makki shouted to the others he was leaving, Mattsun got the nod once he left. He got off the couch, heading towards the front door. Following Makki he realised how scared he looked, he wasn't walking still. He was shaking, while messing with the end of his shirt. They made their way to the bar, Makki walked over to a group of lads. Mattsun walked to the bar, he was still watching them. Once he got his drink, he walked over to a table and started watching. He noticed one touching Makki, not like friendship touching. His lower back, arms, and thighs were being touched. Hanamaki was trying to move away, yet it didn't work. This pissed Mattsun off so much, he wanted to go over there but he had to wait. Makki looked so uncomfortable, when Mattsun went to get another drink he noticed Makki alone. He was sitting down at a table by himself, he didn't pay attention to it. That was up until he heard the man, that was touching and looking at Makki "he's a fucking slut! Just look at him! He's asking for it" that make Mattsun lose his shit. He grabbed his drink and walked uo behind Makki, giving him the bottle. He leaned over with a smirk, glaring at the men talking about Makki. He left an arm around Makki, which made him blush a lot he looked like a tamato, the other arm in his pocket. "Who the FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! Say that about Hiro I dare you say it again" he was smirking. If he dared to Mattsun would start a fight, "alright..Hanamaki Takahiro is a fucking whore he's nothing" it was silent for a bit, "Mattsun..just leave it.." Makki finally spoke up, but Mattsun shook his head. "Too late for that Hiro" he stood up properly and walked over to the guy. Grabbing him by the collar, "you're asking for it" he smirked. After he spoke he threw the guy into the table, he was originally sitting at. He broke the table in half, the other dude ran for his life. "WHAT THE FUCK" the man got up, he threw a punch at Mattsun. It landed, it was a full fight until Makki got I'm the middle. "STOP IT! YOU BOTH ARE FUCKING MAD" he shouted, he was glad Mattsun stood up for him. But fighting was never the answer, Makki walked up to Mattsun "we're leaving" and just like that he grabbed the curly haired boys' hand, guiding him out the building. "You're an idiot! We're going to my house" Makki was just ranting to Mattsun about how stupid that was, but he appreciated it. A lot actually. Mattsun was still angry, he wanted to kill them. Makki didn't deserve that, no one did. But Mattsun couldn't help but take matters into his own hands. They held hands the whole way, to Makki's house. This time Mattsun was smiling.

At Makki's house

Makki unlocked the door. The two walked in, the pinkie brown-haired boy closed it after them. Oikawa and Iwaizumi being no where seen. "They left to Oikawa's Miko needed something" Makki nodded, he told Matsukawa to sit on the couch. He did what he was told, after a couple minutes Makki came in with a med kit. He went right infront of Mattsun, he leaned froward and started cleaning his face up. His nose was bleeding, same with his head. They were really close to each other, inches apart even. Matsukawa kept looking at the others lips, making him blush slightly. Makki moved away to get another wipe, Mattsun took that time to calmed down quickly. "Thanks.." Mattsun broke the silence they were in, "you're welcome" he responded with a smile. Makki continued to clean up, once he did he walked away to put it away. "Why the fuck am I acting so...gay? No I don't like him! That's just disgusting.." He thought to himself. The two talked for a bit, it was awkward but fine. They decided on a sleepover, but before they went upstairs Mattsun had a question. "Hiro?" "Hm?" "Who was that guy anyway?.." Hanamaki's face dropped, he sighed "he's...my old bully" Matsukawa was shocked. Never in all his years of knowing him, he never knew he was bullied. "You were bullied?" The other just nodded. Clearly not wanting to get into it, so Mattsun left it alone. Makki didn't have a spare room, but he refused to let Mattsun sleep on the couch. But Mattsun wouldn't allow Makki to sleep on the couch, so they decided to sleep on Makki's bed.

Makki's room

The two walked into the room. Mattsun just stood by the wall, while Makki grabbed clothes for Mattsun to change into. Once he got the clothes they both started changing, they were talking quietly as if someone was sleeping in the same room. They both sat on the bed, until they both layed down facing away from each other. Mattsun though, he needed to hold on to something. It made him feel some what safe, so in his sleep he turned over. Facing Makki who was faced away, his arms wrapped around the other. Bringing him closer, hugging almost. But the two boys slept peacefully. Makki eventually turned over, arms around Mattsun. Now they were hugging in their sleep. Small smiles on their faces.

[1566 words]

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