Helping the Homophobe

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This time Makki woke up first, he slowly opened his eyes to see Mattsun infront of him. "Well shit" he thought to himself, he tried getting out of the others grip. Mattsun only tightened his arms around Makki, and brought him somewhat closer. Makki blushed hard as he was so very close to his crush, "..stay with me.." Mattsun spoke sleepily. Makki was red as he laid his head on Mattsuns chest, they stayed like this for a bit. All until Mattsun started waking up, he had seen Makki awake on his phone. "What?.." he said quietly, not realising his arms were around the other. "You wouldn't let me go Matsu.." he responded, Mattsun nodded slowly letting go of Hanamaki, who just gave a soft smile. Hanamaki got out of bed and grabbed clothes, placing some on the bed for Mattsun for when he fully woke up. Makki started changing, Mattsun looked away and checked his phone. There wasn't anything new just the gc, they were talking about Kiyoutani and Yahaba. "What are they saying about Yahaba and Kiyoutani?" He asked Makki, who had finished changing looked at him with a smirk "got caught hanging out at the park holding hands" Mattsun chuckled. He found it funny when the team freaked out over stuff like this, Makki made a questioning look. Mattsun just looked at Makki who came closer, Mattsun got out the bed to stand up. "What are you doing?" He spoke up, Makki said nothing but grabbed the other. Pulling him in closer, Mattsun's ears turned a shade of pink while Makki looking around. "You feeling any better?.." The boy finally spoke up, Mattsun just gave a nod. Makki left to change and make breakfast, leaving a confused Mattsun. 


Makki walked in and started grabbing ingredients, he wanted to make pancakes. So he got out everything he needed, and started working on the food for himself and his crush.

Back with Mattsun in Makki's room

The curly haired boy was confused, he really was. He found everything...gross? No well, he thought so no he does. He pulled out his phone and called Iwaizumi.

The call:

Mattsun: Iwaizumi..
Iwa: what? It too early to deal with your shit
Mattsun: no listen please I'm so confused
Iwa: what do you mean you're confused? What happened??
Mattsun: I have been blushing and acting weird around Hiro.. like I get a pain in my stomach everytime he gets close to me but I like the feeling y'know?
Iwa: sounds like you're having a case of 'I like my best friend but I'm homophobic'
Mattsun: I'm not homophobic! And I don't like him like that!
Iwa: then why did you call it disgusting? Everything? Plus if you didn't why'd you beat up that one person in the bar
Mattsun: just please help me Iwaizumi I don't know...
Iwa: fine. I'm coming over-
Mattsun: you can't
Iwa: why?
Mattsun: slept at Makki's
Iwa: ohhh okay so tell me everything
Mattsun: okay so..

Mattsun hung up. Iwaizumi was help though, which was good. He was in his own thoughts, when Makki shouted "BREAKFAST IS READY!" He made his way downstairs, "something smells nice what did you make?" Mattsun sat down. Makki had told he made pancakes, the other licked his lips. They had to get to school though, that was one thing. "Excited for school?" Matsukawa asked looking at Hanamaki, he shrugged "I guess?" They had a chat until they started heading to school.


When the two walked in, they immediately separated from each other. Makki went with Oikawa, Iwaizumi went with Mattsun. Hanamaki had dragged Oikawa to a corner in the gym, they spoke about what happened. Iwaizumi and Mattsun did the same, but it was more chaotic.

Oikawa and Makki

Makki looked well confused, but also sad, scared all those kind of emotions. "You doing okay?.." is all he could ask, Makki just shrugged as a response "he keeps giving me mixed singles.." Hanamaki finally got out, Oikawa sighed. He gave Makki a hug, he hugged back though still upset.

Iwa and Mattsun

Iwaizumi had to be the first to talk, "so you both slept together?" He asked trying to rap his head around it, "don't say it like that! It was just a sleepover anyway" Mattsun replied, he was somewhat nervous and disgusted. (I'm lazy so I'm not going for detail -Pen) Iwaizumi understood what was happening, well sort've anyway. But he needed 2 things, Oikawa to convince Makki to confess and the boys to hang out more. It was quite obvious to Iwaizumi that Mattsun was at stage 1, which was: Denial. After talking it out, he convinced Mattsun to hang out with makki more.

[I'm going to leave this here because my mind is blank atm and I can't really think of anything so I will continue in the next chapter 💪]
[816 words]

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