Math Class

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Mattsun and Makki were maths, they sat next to each other but sometimes they get moved, for talking to each other during class. "Morning class, today your teacher isn't in today so I will be your substitute" the tall man said walking in the classroom, the two look at each other with a smirk across both their faces as the sub called the roll, "Matsukawa Issei" the substitute called out "here!" Makki replied,
"Hanamaki Takahiro" "here!" Mattsun smiled the two trying not to laugh while looking at each other, the class giggled a bit "quiet down!" The class went on as normal the duo passing notes until, "Hanamaki! Read what Matsukawa just passed you out loud!" The two started panicking, Matsukawa stood up as he took Makki's name "uhm.. want to study later out my house?" He lied, the note actually read:
[I'll put their names beside who said what -Pen]

Makki: the sub is stupid
Mattsun: FR HAHA
Makki: oh I love this
Mattsun: you love me more though (no homo)
Makki: that's true I do love you (no homo)
Mattsun: good love you too (no homo)

Though it did hurt Makki to write 'no homo' at the end, he loved his best friend a lot he was excited
For Sunday excited to hang out with him one on one, just those two having fun he was day dreaming when suddenly "Hanamaki, get Matsukawa's attention before I give you both detention" Mattsun nodded and poked Makki, he snapped out of it and looked at Mattsun "what?" He whispered, Mattsun just pointed up at the top of them room as a response, Makki payed attention during the class.

After class at Lunch

The group of four sat down at one of the benches outside, Mattsun and Makki were laughing stil about what they did in maths. They explained to the other two what they did and what happened, Zumi looked at Makki "what were you day dreaming about?" He asked "sleeping" he answered, looking up at his friend "fair enough" Iwaizumi replied, they all agreed at that.

[When this is published I will not be home and should have some other chapters started or done that ill publish while im gone]

[373 words]

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