Sunday Morning

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A/N: because i haven't been making any chapters recently, i will put their Sunday outing in this whole chapter. Also! F slur is used here so yeah enjoy.

With Makki:

When the boy woke up, he got up and immediately went into the shower excited. Once he got out of the shower he grabbed his clothes.

He wore:

Simeons shirt (from Obey me), black ripped jeans and wearing a grey hoodie around his waist as he was to hot.

This man brushed his hair, brushed his teeth but skipped breakfast. He then sat on the couch and waited for Mattsun, hoping he didn't forget. You see Makki doesn't know, what Cinema Mattsun picked. So he volunteered to pick Makki up.

With Mattsun:

He curly haired boy yawned, getting up from his bed going for a shower. He came out and changed.

He picked:  

A grey short sleeved t-shirt, along with grey tracksuit trousers. He just decided to wear something comfortable.

He walked downstairs after doing his hair, and teeth. Walking into the kitchen he grabbed a bowl, as well as his favourite cereal then of course made his cereal. Sitting down at the kitchen table he started eating, he knew what time he was supposed to pick the other up at.

Time skip

Mattsun got into his car and started the engine. He played music while driving over towards Makki's house.

With Makki

He had been thinking of what to do, to drop hints to his crush. Only problem for him was that, he doesn't know how the other reacted to him coming out. Or what he thinks of gay people, anything like that. "What if he thinks I'm weird?" He thought to himself worried. He kept thinking these thoughts until he heard his bell being rang. He stood up opening the door to be greeted by his crush, "Hey Hana" the curly hair boy said. They both walked to the car and got in, Mattsun couldn't help himself but glance over at Makki. "He looks so...NAH HES MY BEST FRIEND AND THATS JUST GROSS!" He shook off the thoughts he was getting.

     In the car

Makki grabbed the aux and played the playlist, they made together. They sang along to the words, making small talk here and there. Once they arrived they both got out the car, Makki earned some looks from others. Mattsun took a deep breathe it was driving him...mad? He didn't even know what to say, why should he care? They walked into the cinema grabbed their tickets, along with their popcorn.

In the cinema:

They walked up the Isle, and sat in their seats. The 2 boys talked for ages until the lights dimmed, Makki got all excited. He loves watching movies and was happy Mattsun agreed to go. Mattsun on the other hand, was excited as he hasn't been in the cinema for ages. But he was nervous, what if Makki was going to try something with him? Is all he can think of. They were watching a horror movie yes, they scared Makki but he didn't care. After just watching the backstory bit, a jump scare happened and he grabbed Mattsuns hand out, of fear Mattsun just looked at the movie. Without thinking properly he held Makki's hand, this made the slightly shorter boy blush. As they held hands Makki sometimes tensed up his body, when he got scared. They had both finished their drinks and popcorn, by then.

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