Matsukawa's house

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When Matsukawa got home he tidied up his stuff, and went into the the shower. Once he did everything (doing chores ect.) He went up to his room, and layed down "ugh it's to hot for doing all this shit" he heard his phone go off.

One message from 'Aoba Johsai❤️'

After a bit of texting it was only Makki coming out, he was proud of him Mattsun really was but he didn't know, how to feel while changing next to the other in the locker room.

'What if he stares at me while I change?'
'What if he tries to hit on me?'

All those questions circled his head, he felt uncomfortable but he brushed it off as its his best friend he's thinking about, 'I probably sound like an asshole. I'll tell kiyotani later' he sort of felt bad, so he turned on his phone before heading to bed and messaged Makki.

Messages with 'Hana'

Matsu: Hey Makki
Matsu: what do you wanna do this Sunday? We haven't made up our mind on where we're going

Hana: Hey Mattsun and I don't really know neither of us can think of anything so what if we went to one of our houses and just hang out like normal?

Matsu: sounds good but if I think of something better I'll tell you alright?

Hana: sounds good! Night

Matsu: night

After messaging Makki he smiled, shaking his head 'why am I smiling? We literally just messaged each other like normal, plus it's weird to like your best friend who's a guy it's wrong!' He just layed down, muting his phone and closing his eyes and he soon fell asleep.

[287 words]

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