"..why are you two shouting?"

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"What the fuck are you two doing here?!" He aggressively shouted at Iwaizumi, leaving him and Oikawa speachless. "Be quiet and we're here fixing your mess!" Iwaizumi snapped back at him, the thought of Mattsun only coming here for himself and Oikawa, only pissed him off more. They were all in the living room, after hearing what Iwaizumi said "so?! He needs to accept that not everyone is gay!" The homophobe rolled his eyes crossing his arms. The two boys looked at each other, then back at Mattsun. They all started shouting and shouting, completely forgetting about the sleeping boy upstairs. "YOU BOTH NEED TO CHILL OUT! ITS NOT THAT DEEP" curly haired boy spoke, "WELL FROM WHAT MAKKI TOLD US IT WAS VERY FUCKING DEEP" oikawa shouted. They kept going back and forth, back and forth.

With Makki

He was sleeping peacefully, he was sleeping on his stomach. His arms under the pill his head laid on, his nose scrunched up at the noise downstairs. He didn't want to wake up, but the shouting only got louder and louder. He got up and headed to his door, he opened it and headed downstairs. Walking to the living room tiredly.

Living room

"YOU NEED TO STOP BEING SO FULL OF YOURSELF" "OH PISS OFF SAYS YOU THE ONLY PERSON YOU TRULY CARE ABOUT IS YOURSELF" "DON'T TALK TO HIM LIKE THAT" "SHUT UP IWAIZUMI YOU CAN'T SAY SHIT YOU ONLY CARE ABOUT YOURSELF AS WELL" all that's shit being said, poor makki just woke up. And has to deal with them, he yawned and rubbed is right eye. So he was looking out of his left, which only showed Iwaizumi and Oikawa. "..What are you two fighting about?" He asked quietly, the three's head snapped toward Hanamaki.

"Shit" oikawa thought as he looked guilty, which you can see in his eyes. "U-uhm nothing go back to sleep Makki" he managed to get out, Iwaizumi nodded in agreement. "Stop acting like that Oikawa you look so very stupid" that caught Makki's attention, looking over at Mattsun. His eyes widened in ...sadness? Anger? Guilt? He didn't know, but he wanted to cry that's for sure. Tears started forming in his eyes, without him knowing. Mattsun looked him, part of him just wanted to hug makki and cheer him up, but the other part just didn't care. Matsukawa gave the facial expression of, 'don't cry its alright' and 'go cry somewhere else'. His hand twitched, making him look down at it. Makki was about to say something, when Oikawa hugged him. He completely broke down into his shoulder, Iwaizumi looked at Mattsun when he raised his head, he gave the 'fix this' look. And with that Iwaizumi grabbed Oikawa, dragging him to Makki's room. Hanamaki rubbed his eyes, and tried to calm down. It didn't work though, he slowly slipped into a panic attack. Mattsun quickly went over to Makki, "Makki!" He said before grabbing the other and pulling him into a hug, "breath" he wrapped his arms around Makki, the other did nothing but stand there. After a couple minutes Makki started falling asleep on Mattsun, he picked him up bridle style and walked to the couch. He sat down first, Makki still in his arms until Mattsun placed the other beside him, his head landing on Mattsuns lap. Matsukawa looked at Makki, a hint of blush appeared on his face. He stopped and just layed his head back, his right arm resting around Makki's torso. He started falling asleep, of course IwaOi were watching the whole time. The two layed and sat there, both fast asleep.

[Here is some semi-angst and some fluff 😋 but dw dw the angst will be back<33]
[627 words]

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