the call?

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The boy waited for the other to pick up the phone. He was already crying, but Oikawa didn't pick up instead a knock was at the door. Hanamaki got up from the couch, and walked to the door before he opened it he wiped his tears. When he was ready and semi-calm, he opened it revealing a worried Iwaizumi and a pissed Oikawa. Looks like Iwaizumi had either told Oikawa, or they were together. The brown-haired boy quickly handed Iwaizumi the bags, and gave Hanamaki a hug "are you okay?! I'm so going to kill him!" He was clearly worried and pissed off, Makki didn't do anything and just sobbed into the others shoulder, the two guests walked in Iwa closing the door. They all sat on the couch, Oikawa was comforting Makki while Iwaizumi puts the bag they brought, on the kitchen counter. They had bought Makki his favourite foods.

In the kitchen

As Iwaizumi was taking out his friends favourite snacks, his phone rang.

Incoming call from 'Mattsun'

He rolled his eyes and picked up, putting it on speaker but before he did he closed the kitchen door.

Iwaizumi: what do you want?!

Mattsun: chill I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out

Iwaizumi: hah?! No! I'm..I'm busy "fixing your mess."

Mattsun: ugh really? What are you even doing that's making you sooo busy?

Iwaizumi: fixing y- something in my house that broke.

Mattsun: eh alright then cya

Iwaizumi: bye

He had hung up, it made him angry that Mattsun was so calm after making Makki upset. He finished up and grabbed, makki's all time favourite heading back to the sitting room.

Sitting room

Makki had just calmed down. Iwaizumi walked in with profiteroles, the sad male gave a small smile when handed one. Iwa placed the rest on a coffee table infront of them, and sat down. The three watched TV, and just relaxed cheering up Makki.

[I know this chapter is short I just wanted to get something done today so]
[340 words]

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