the misunderstanding

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Iwaizumi had told Oikawa what to do, but there was one problem. The setter had misunderstood what he had to do, its not his fault though. Iwaizumi had explained it poorly, he was tired and hadn't gotten enough sleep. You can imagine what'll happen, so Oikawa got to work. He told Hanamaki to head to his house, Oikawa knew he would refuse.

《When he arrived》

Hanamaki walked in after Oikawa opened the door, the two walked in and sat on the couch. Makki was confused, he had an idea but said nothing "so.. you need to confess to Mattsun!" Kawa finally spoke. The other looked completely shocked "what?! No!" He protested, "he's been affectionate with you! Like he's.. touching you?" Oikawa didn't know how to phrase it. "You make it sound like we did something- WHICH WE DIDN'T MIGHT I SAY" the fluffy haired boy laughed, they spoke about it for awhile. "Please ill do anything" he pleaded, Makki paused before sighing "fine but confess to Iwaizumi even if I get rejected" Oikawa cheered, he was happy he got him to do it! Though he wasn't ready to confess, to his childhood best friend. They spoke for a bit, coming up with ideas. Oikawa thinks Makki should just say it, while Makki still doesn't want to and instead wants something special. Well he doesn't want to confess at all, he's just doing it to get Oikawa off his back. "Please Makki!! Just say it!" The brown-haired spoke, he was pushy but Makki didn't care "why should I just say it though?? What if I bought him flowers or something" he suggested, for the 50th time. They talked it out, and both agreed on ONE rose. So tomorrow after school Makki will confess, as the two boys live down the same road.

《The next day》

Makki had woken up, he dreaded today. He was very nervous, as he has to confess to his somewhat best friend. He went down to the kitchen, he was about to open the fridge when he stopped. "I have been eating too much recently.. it wouldn't hurt to go without food for a bit" he thought, as he was thinking he left the kitchen. He went back upstairs to get what he needed, once he got dressed and got his gym stuff. He walked back down stairs and leave the house.

《On the way to school》

He had spotted Mattsun, but he was too nervous to be around him. Though he still walked with the other, they didn't talk until Makki spoke up "mattsun?" "Hm?" "I talk to you after school" "Oh uhh okay" that was it. They were quiet until they arrived.

《At school》

When they arrived they saw an annoyed Iwaizumi, with a guilty looking Oikawa. Makki walked up to them, while Mattsun walked off to Kiyoutani and Yahaba. "What the fuck happened??" He asked, "nothing. Just-.. be careful confessing today infact! Come to my house if it goes wrong" Iwaizumi spoke up, Makki just nodded. He thought the two were being weird, well weirder than normal anyway. They walked in for morning practice, this time everyone just go to setting up and practicing.

《Walking to class》

Iwaizumi and Mattsun had English, so they walked together. Mattsun seemed off and Iwa noticed this, "what's wrong?" He finally asked. The two stopped walking, stepping out the way so others can get by "Hanamaki wants to talk to me after school" he finally said. Iwaizumi was kinda shocked, "hanamaki? He never calls him that.. its either Makki or Hiro what" Mattsun just looked at him, "what?" Iwaizumi finally came back "nothing.. but what if he wants to just hang out??" The curly haired boy shook his head, "he would've just asked instead of y'know" Iwaizumi nodded. He wanted to get out of this topic, he started walking again Mattsun following "I dunno then"

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