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"Hey—Um It's me—It's Aaron. I left Watkins. They said I was okay now. I'm better. A lot better actually. Derrick, Im doing really good now. I don't know why i'm calling you—well I do know why. I wanted to say sorry. Im really sorry for that day. What I did. What I said. You didn't deserve that and I just really wanted to apologize.

I think about that day and I know it's what was best and everything that came after was my fault. I don't blame you for not visiting. Im actually glad you didn't push even though sometimes I wondered why you hadn't. At first it hurt and I kept wondering why you didn't try harder but then I think about how I was then and even if you did I would've pulled away more. I probably would've said and done even worse things.

I guess I really called to say Thank you. For taking care of me the way you did and letting me know I wasn't a lost cause. Id probably be dead if I didn't go to Watkins. I realize now I guess I didn't really want to be dead at all. I was just hurting so bad death seemed like the better option but of course you knew that. You know everything before I do.

I'm getting my GED soon. Crazy right? I've been thinking about college which is also crazy because I didn't think I would make it this far. I don't know what I would study though. I'm going to be nineteen soon. That's also crazy to think about. I remember telling you I didn't think I would make it to eighteen and here I am...Twenty right around the corner. I have a job at a restaurant called Armello's. It's kind of pricy but the food is worth it. I'm a server if you can believe it.

I know I did the work but if you hadn't pushed me I wouldn't be here. If Chase never came that day—I'm sure he told you he visited—I don't know what would've happened. So Thank you. All of you. For everything. I—well—I liked to think you'd be proud of me. I would hope you are.

I feel like i've already said so much and maybe i've just been repeating myself but I really want you to know that I've missed you a lot. Everyday actually since i've been gone. I guess now I realize I got really lucky to be fostered by you. I feel like it's too late to say it but I need you to know that if nothing else. I'll forever be grateful for that brief but honestly life changing time I had with you guys.

So thank you and I hope you can forgive me. Bye.

A/N: I have maybe around 5 more parts left to edit and rework. This is kind of insane.

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