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"We need to go shopping," were the first words that Cameron uttered as he walked down stairs late Saturday afternoon

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"We need to go shopping," were the first words that Cameron uttered as he walked down stairs late Saturday afternoon. His curly high top hairstyle was more flat on the left than the right. His runs his hands through it before yawning and scratching his stomach. He flops himself down next to me on the couch, "Morning, by the way."

"It's two in the afternoon," I mumble before turning the Television up.

"And I just woke up so it's morning for me."

I roll my eyes and focus back on the show I was watching. Everyone seemed to be up. I guess one could say we were enjoying each others company. Though we weren't. I had been up since eleven watching a series on Netflix. Mr. Phoenix was already sitting near the counter with his laptop. Carter woke up an hour after me and proceeded to plop himself to my far right. Rylie came next and sat to my far left and now came Cameron.

None of them seemed to be interested in what I was watching. Mr. Phoenix even went as far as to ask me if it was a soap opera. Rylie looked bored out his mind and Carter occasionally seemed interested when he heard arguing or yelling. It was a rule that whoever woke up first had television privileges in the living room. They all had their own TV's but apparently this one was the better one.

"What do you need to go shopping for?" Mr. Phoenix sighs from his spot in the kitchen. I pause the show knowing I wouldn't be able to hear nor pay attention as they were talking.

"School starts next week," Cameron responds in a duh tone and then I tune them out.

It was the end of August. I had been here for a month or I was surely breaching the month mark give or take a few days. They had been discussing school for the past week and each time I'd either slip myself out the room or they'd have an argument about something trivial before they could get to me. I hadn't been in school in almost a year. Holly and Steven hadn't lived near one. They were hardly at home and when they were Holly was too busy worried about herself or a garden party and Steven was us using me as his personal sex doll.

We never discussed it. I brought it up once and Holly said she'd look into a private one that was an hour away but it was pretty obvious after a month of her skirting around the question that she didn't actually do it nor did she care. When she wasn't worried about her botched lip injections it was about turning me and herself into socialites. We had went to countless cocktail parties and charity events.

She'd be decked in out in jeweled gowns and summery skirts while I was her human accessory hanging behind her. Little orphan Aaron had to make her look good. Make her look selfless. Like some kind of silent philanthropist. She'd buy me dresses and heels. She'd get my make up done. A hairdresser would give me extensions and then we'd be off. It was practically every weekend. While on weekdays I did nothing.

I tried for a few months. I would take four buses and taxi to get to school in the city. It was in the ghetto but it was school nonetheless. It worked a for a few months but after being late almost everyday I started to fail three classes. The school started to notice my failing grades and numerous late passes I had been given so I forged a note saying I'd be transferring with Holly's signature.

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