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I stormed out of Jane's house that doubled as her office

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I stormed out of Jane's house that doubled as her office. It was only a half past one and I hadn't bothered to call Mr. Phoenix. He was probably busy with work anyway. But he did mention he would probably not stay long as he had been feeling a little under the weather. That stomach bug that had been going around had finally caught up to him. After being around me and several coworker's whom also had it, it was bound to happen.

He had given me money just in case I needed a cab back to his place if he wasn't able to come get me himself. I call the cab service, the number I had written down in my notes app just in case of emergency. One arrives within ten minutes and then I'm off back to the city. The ride was long. I was a mixture of somber and furious.

The sole purpose of me going go therapy was because of that reason but I just couldn't bring myself to open up an already infected wound. Granted I had told Mr. Phoenix but that was spur of the moment. One of those moments where your mouth moves faster than your brain. I hadn't meant to say it and if I could take it back I completely would.

I knew that at some point it would brought up. She had my file. She had seen what was in it. Her practice specialized in problems like mine. She was just taking things slow. Trying to make me feel comfortable. But now thats come crashing down like a building being demolished. Nothing would be the same. The air would be tense and I had unknowingly opened Pandora's box.

The cab stops in front of the condo. I pay the expensive fair and remind myself to download one of those car service apps like Carter had been telling me to. I get the elevator key from the front desk and contemplate even going up. Chase Brighton was still up there more than likely. He had been visiting Mr. Phoenix and his sons the past few days. He had even stayed the night last night.

I felt like the odd one out. They would share stories of their younger years. Laugh at inside jokes I wasn't apart of. Do regular brotherly things with each other. They were a family. It was so clear in everything they did. You couldn't convince me even though I knew the truth that Chase wasn't their blood relative. Thats just how united they were. I was just the outlier watching it all. They tried to include but I just couldn't without feeling like I would either throw up or cry. Maybe both.

The elevator dinged to a stop and the doors opened. The first thing I smell is hamburgers then I hear laughter. I hear Mr. Phoenix. He was home meaning I could saved my money. I could see Chase standing over the stove Mr Phoenix beside him. Carter sitting at the island. He notices me first.

He looks at his phone then me, "You're home early."

Mr. Phoenix turns around and frowns glancing at his watch. Chase gives me a small wave with the spatula he was holding and a polite smile. He was nice. Sometimes I felt like it was too nice. I'll admit I was being colder than necessary but I just couldn't bring myself to reciprocate his gestures.

"You are early. Like a whole hour early," Mr. Phoenix comments and I roll my eyes while wordlessly making my towards the stairs, "Aaron, come here. Now, please."

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