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The younger boy shouts from behind his brother

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The younger boy shouts from behind his brother. The oldest--or the one who seems to be the oldest--walks the rest of the way own the stairs. Taking his stance next to the darkest of the three. I think he had the perfect complexion. It reminded me of Kelly. They seemed to be shielding the small one. As if I'd do him harm. I wanted to roll my eyes at that.

Maybe five seconds later from a narrow hall behind the boys Derrick Phoenix's tall and lean frame comes into view. His flannel pajama bottoms and sweatshirt seemed cozy. He looks at his boys then to where there eyes were trained. Me. He looks confused. Then shocked. Then concerned. He takes rushed steps towards me.

"Aaron? Are you okay? How the hell did you get here?"

Question after question. I couldn't comprehend it. Nothing about his questions or the concern swirling in his iris's seemed to be faux. It made me nervous. His hands reach up. They go to rest on my shoulders but I jump back. He mumbles a low apology. I keep my gaze on the floor. No doubt his sons saw my reaction.

"I'm f-fine. I, uh, I t-took a c-cab here."

He nods his head. Seeming relieved I didn't jump through hoops to get here. His eyes drift just like the oldest boy did. He frowns, "Jesus Christ, you're shivering. You need to get out of those wet clothes. Cam, go find some of those old sweats and shirts you don't wear and Carter, get a towel and wash cloth from the linen closet."

The boys break away from their protective guarding and walk their separate ways. They mumble to each other and glance my way before leaving completely. One goes up the stairs. The other down the short path Mr. Phoenix came from. The darkest boy, named Cameron, comes back in no time at all. Along with his older brother. They hand the things over to their father who hands them to me.

They all sit on the couch the youngest, Rylie, looks guarded. It's the way his eyes narrow at me. Almost in a squint. He crosses his arms over his chest. He was scrawny. Yet, I felt unsettled.

"There's a bathroom upstairs. Second door to the left. Get cleaned up and put on some warm clothes and we'll talk if you aren't too tired. That sound good?"

I didn't want to stay here. I couldn't pinpoint exactly why. But, the preppy young boy glares at me. The other two mumble unintelligible words to each other while glancing in my direction. My heart pounds against my ribs. And rationally I should think they were just curious. But, the damaged part of my psyche tells me their plotting.

I push the clothes and fresh towels back towards Mr. Phoenix, "I ... I s-shouldn't have come here."

"What are you--"

I speed walk back towards the elevator. Pressing the button with too much force. I feel a presence behind me. Mr. Phoenix makes a grab for my arm and I flinch.

"Please don't touch me."

He immediately takes five steps back. A decent amount of space between us, "Aaron, I can not let you go back out there. It's late. You have no where to go."

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