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"Aaron?" This has been the third time she called her name and for the third time she was ignored

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"Aaron?" This has been the third time she
called her name and for the third time she was ignored. Kelly gently places her hand overtop the girl sitting across from her and it seems to jolt her out of whatever haze she had been in.

"Sorry. I was just–thinking." There was a pause in her voice. A weariness in her eyes and Kelly couldn't help but let her brows dip and bite the inside of her cheek.

After a day of baby clothes, accessories, and bedding shopping they had been rather exhausted. Kelly was never the easiest person to shop with and now that she was shopping for her soon to be born child she was a hundred times worse than usual but if it bothered Aaron she hadn't shown it. Rather just smiled and told her what she thought was cute and wasn't and even picked out a few things on her own that Kelly couldn't find flaws with.

Still throughout the day she seemed out of touch. Like she was there but not processing or rather not wanting to. They had been back at Kelly's apartment for a few hours just talking and catching up but as Kelly spoke up about her upcoming birth it seemed like Aaron had lost connection.

"Do you mind if I ask what about?" Kelly inquires and watches as Aaron's eyes shift to the floor.

"It's nothing, I'm fine," She smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes nor her lips.

Kelly's mind wanders as she watches Aaron's posture slump and she twists her fingers nervously. She was hiding something or maybe she afraid of something. She had a knack for reading people, or so she always felt like she did and usually her assumptions were right.

"Aaron, you can tell me absolutely anything. You know that right?" Kelly's eyes stare into Aaron's dark brown ones and she can see tears welling in them. She sits up a little straighter, and places her hand in the girl in front of hers' and squeezes it gently.

"I feel so...lost. I just don't know what to do anymore," Aaron kept repeating the words over and over. Startled, Kelly moves so she's standing in front of her, her hands gently gliding up and down her shoulders hoping that it would comfort her.

She sucks breath and then Kelly can see it, the tiredness in her eyes, the bags underneath them and the absolute fear and uncertainty that they carried. Her heart squeezed tightly. What could be bothering her so much that she was beginning to look like she was knocking on deaths door.

"If Derrick did something–" she starts but stops quickly when Aaron's head shoots up and she shakes it vehemently almost looking disturbed that Kelly would even think such a thing, "I'm sorry it's just the way your behaving right now you've got me thinking the worst."

She sniffles slightly and lets a barely there laugh before that troubled expression crosses her face again, "Derrick would never hurt me, you know?" And Kelly did know but sometimes you couldn't always be so sure about anyone, "It's like this weight is inside me, and it's so heavy. It's so fucking heavy and I can't get rid of it. I just can't do it but I don't want it there, Kelly. God, I don't want it but I don't want it to just go to anyone else either."

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