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Derrick was preparing breakfast as he listened to the morning news from the kitchen

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Derrick was preparing breakfast as he listened to the morning news from the kitchen. The television in his living room was up at a reasonable volume where he could hear it clearly but wouldn't awake anyone. It was Saturday and feeling in a chipper mood he decided that a fresh meal would do his family some good. He had been working extra the past few weeks and hadn't been home much resulting in his sons and Aaron eating take out almost every night.

It wasn't healthy. He was no fitness buff but he did pride himself on being active. He went on runs as often as he could and even used the complex gym if he had the time. He enjoyed cooking and creating things he just couldn't do it often. They were eating greasy foods almost every night and Aaron was still mourning the loss of her young friend which resulted in her eating less. He figured it was time for a change. Breakfast was important and could make the start of the day more tolerable.

So there he was, looking at the tablet that he had propped on his counter with the directions for how to make an Acai bowl. It was healthy and they tasted great and he also took notice that Aarons appetite was in a wavering state. Some nights she was eating in bulk and others she couldn't even eat more than two bites. Thick foods made her queasy so he decided to no to do the traditional eggs and sausage breakfast.

He had blended up some fresh fruits to make a thick smoothie that was almost like a yogurt and topped the bowls with a granola and peanut mixture, and had sliced fruits off to the side he'd let them add on themselves. It was around eleven and that was usually when his household would awake. Right on time Carter an Cameron both strolled down stairs still decked in their pajamas. Hair amiss. Cameron went the kitchen first and eyed the bowls with a face of disgust.

"Oh, come on, where's the bacon? The waffles? Please say we aren't going on another veg binge," he groaned as he plopped down onto his seat.

Derrick laughed at that recalling how practically a year ago he had them all try vegetarianism for a good three months. At that time he was extra busy and his work pile was tripling as the days went on so they're amount of actual meals was nothing. He wanted to make up for it which is something his sons felt they could do without. Cameron hated it the most and would routinely slip out in the middle of the night to retrieve the food he sneakily would order for himself.

"We're not going on another veg binge Cameron, it's just a normal healthy breakfast," he explains as he watches his son scoop a spoonful of the mixture into his mouth. He hums in appreciation and nods letting him know it's alright.

Derrick was about to call both Aaron and Rylie down but sees them coming as they bicker down the stairs. Aaron shoots Rylie a look of annoyance while Rylie gives her a steely look of his own before crossing his arms over his chest. Derrick's eyes narrow on the swell of her eye and the dark underline. He watched the two curiously along with Carter and Cameron who both have noticed how close the two had gotten since only a week ago.

Derrick purses his lip at her injuries. She still wouldn't tell him how she really sustained such a mark and he knew trying to get information would be just as hard as pulling teeth. The boys didn't seem to know what happened either so all he could hope for was that she didn't get herself into any long lasting trouble.

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