Chapter 70

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"Tara, really?" I groaned as I followed her into the run-down gas station.

"I just want to check. It's the best candy of all time and I'm running low on my stash." Tara replied as the door closed behind us.

"Is it not extremely stale?" I asked as my eyes scanned the small gas station.

"Maybe a tad, but it's still good." She replied, shrugging her shoulders.

"Let's just find it and go. It's about to storm." I stated as I glanced out the window.

"Okay, mom." She scoffed as she rolled her eyes.

"Oh no." I mumbled, watching as the familiar white van pulled up beside my truck.

"Oh no what?" She asked, looking to me.

"That's the freaks I ran into yesterday. The ones with Negan." I answered as I quickly moved out of sight.

"Dammit." She mumbled.

"Let's go out the back." I ordered as I began making my way to the back of the gas station.

I stepped back, watching as the door swung open revealing the jackass from yesterday.

"Drop your guns." Ed ordered, pointing the barrel of his rifle in my face.

"Damn, hello to you, too." Tara snapped from behind me as several of Ed's men trickled into the store behind him.

"I don't know why you think you're the boss here. We were clearly here first and you just came in on us. You drop your fucking guns." I spat as I continued to hold my rifle up.

"Oh, aren't we more feisty than yesterday?" He asked, taunting me as he took another step toward me.

I quickly scanned the men behind him, hoping Negan was still around to help again.

"It was a mistake letting you leave yesterday. We had an incident at our camp yesterday resulting in two of our servants dying. Turns out, we can use you after all. Along with your friend." He stated as men began to circle around me and Tara.

"Lower your rifle, sweetie. Twelve against two isn't gonna work in your favor. You shoot, they shoot, then you're dead. Along with your baby." He continued as he glanced to my belly.

I swallowed the forming lump in my throat before he wrapped his hand around the barrel of my rifle and yanked it out of my hands.

"Good girl." He replied, his eyes on mine.

"Fuck you." Tara spat as he reached for her rifle.

Suddenly he hit her against the head with the butt of his rifle before she landed in the floor beside me.

Before I could do or say anything, I turned to find the rifle headed straight for my head.


"Jess, wake up!" Tara hissed as she kicked my leg.

I slowly opened my eyes, finding Tara hovering over me in the back of a van. My eyes widened as I quickly remembered what happened and realized my wrists were tied together.

"We have to get out of here, now! They're coming back for us." She stated as she peeked out of the window.

"Where are we?" I asked as I quickly moved to my knees and peeked out the same window.

"Looks like an old apartment complex." She answered as my eyes scanned the large brick building.

"Look, if Negan is here pretend you don't know him. They don't know we know him and Vice versa." I ordered.

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