Chapter 13

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"Pop rocks!" I exclaimed, snatching the pack of red pop rocks off the shelf.

"Seriously? You're gonna pass up nerds like that?" Glenn asked, taking the box of nerds.

"I haven't had these in forever." I replied, opening the pack and sprinkling the dissolvable candy onto my tongue.

"You don't get out much." Glenn joked.

"Yeah, the apocalypse really put a damper on things." I joked.

"Ding, ding, ding. Jackpot, baby!" Tara declared, quickly approaching us with a box.

"What's that?" Glenn asked.

"Chef Boyardee, duh." She answered, holding up a can of ravioli.

I laughed, watching as Glenn dug through the box of cans.

"Let's go. We need to get back to camp before dark." I ordered the pair who began arguing over the ravioli.

"So, have you heard about Eugene?" Tara questioned, turning her head to look at me as we walked down the road.

"Is that the guy with the red hair? The military guy? I haven't exactly met the others yet." I inquired.

"No, Eugene is the guy with the mullet." She answered.

"Oh, okay." I replied. "What about him?"

"He's a scientist and he can cure this thing. We just have to get him to Washington." She stated.

"Yeah, and I was an actor." I joked, laughing.

"No, I'm serious." She replied.

"You don't really believe him, do you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'll let him explain everything. Makes a lot of sense, actually." She replied, waving me off.

"Please do." I replied.

"You must really like those." Glenn stated, looking at the plastic bag in my hand which was carrying my many packs of pop rocks.

"My son loved these. He thought they were so cool." I replied, smiling at the many memories that flashed through my brain.

After another hour of walking and talking, we finally arrived back at camp.

"Dinner is served!" Glenn declared, sitting the box of ravioli down on the ground.

"Is that ravioli?" Beth asked.

"You're welcome." Tara replied.

I walked off away from everyone and sat down on a rock by myself. I pulled my backpack off and pulled a pack of pop rocks out from my bag.

"Not much for ravioli?" Michonne asked, standing in front of me.

"Had some on the way here." I answered.

"You alright?" She inquired.

"I'm fine. Thanks." I replied, forcing a smile.

"Okay." She muttered, returning the smile.


I picked my arms up before swinging the ax down on the log and missing the entire piece of wood.

"Shit." I cussed, nearly missing my leg with the sharp tool.

"The hell are you doing?" Daryl asked from behind me.

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