Book 2 Teaser | The Long Road

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I've taken a small break and I can't get Jessica and Rick out of my mind LOL. So, I'm creating book 2. Here's a teaser! I hope for the first chapter to be up tonight.

I hope you continue to follow along with me on this series. ❤️


The Long Road

I threw my arm over Rick's side before my arm hit the mattress— waking me from my light sleep. Tears immediately pricked at my eyes as I opened them, remembering he isn't here.

I sat up in my bed and looked to the window beside my bed. The full moon caught my eye as I searched for stars to calm my racing heart.

"Mama?" My sweet daughter, Magnolia, asked as her small knuckles tapped on my bedroom door.

I slid from my bed and made my way to the door before swinging it open to find my girl with teary eyes.

"What is it, baby?" I questioned as she looked up at me for comfort.

"I had a bad dream." She answered while pulling nervously at her pajama top sleeves.

"Me too. Let's go get some fresh air." I ordered while reaching for her hand.

Her small hand wrapped around mine as we began walking down the short hallway to reach the front door of our home.

After reaching the porch, we found a spot to sit on the wooden porch swing Rick made for us a few years ago. I sighed at the quick memory of him surprising me with it and forced it out of my brain for the time being.

"You look sad, mommy." Magnolia stated while leaning into my side.

I'm always sad, baby.

"So do you." I replied while my arm went around her.

"I heard sissy talking about daddy today. She said tomorrow makes two years." She answered while looking up at me.

I inhaled a small breath and nodded my head, confirming what Judith said.

"He isn't coming home?" She questioned.

"He'll be home." I answered, refusing to tell her otherwise even if I knew deep down that he wasn't.

I turned my head, hearing the bell ring at our front gate. I squinted my eyes, unable to see who was standing there due to the dark.

"Get inside." I ordered Magnolia while pushing her up and to the door.

I immediately sighed after hearing the bell again, this time hearing the familiar pattern, realizing it was Daryl.

"Hey." I greeted as I reached the gate and noticed his tired eyes.

"I know it's late. Had a feeling you might be up, though." He muttered as I unlocked the gate for him to enter.

"You alright?" I questioned after closing the gate behind him.

Ever since Rick's disappearance and most of the group going their own ways, Daryl continued to check on my kids and make sure we had what we needed to survive.

"I found something today." He stated while reaching into his backpack.

My heart began pounding at his statement while my eyes searched for what was in his hand.

"Found it on a John boat that was off Douglas Lake. Looks like it had been there a while, but it's something." He stated while handing me what looked to be a dusty, scratched up glass bottle with a rolled up sheet of paper inside.

I spun the bottle in my hand while wiping some dirt off before noticing the scratches that turned into a name.

"Grimes." I read, causing my heart to nearly burst from the fast rhythm.

I quickly opened the bottle while struggling to get the paper out. My heart dropped as my eyes immediately went to the dried blood on the bottom of the page.

My eyes scanned the paper, finding a sketching of me, Judith, Carl, and Magnolia with our names at the top of the page. I continued scanning the paper, finding the words 'My Family' at the top.

Tears began streaming from my eyes as my mind began reeling—wondering when he had drawn this, where he was, how the bottle got to Douglas Lake, and if he was still alive somewhere.

"I don't think it's a coincidence that I found this a day before the 2 year mark." Daryl muttered as my eyes met his.

"Do you think he's near? How long do you think this has been there?" I interrogated while taking a step forward.

"I don't know, but I think it's a sign not to give up." He mumbled.

I quickly nodded my head, feeling the same way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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