Chapter 135

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I entered the court room, finding Carol standing by her desk with her eyes on me. Everyone's eyes were on me.

"She's coming." I told Carol while sitting on the bench where Peggy would be sitting beside me.

I glanced to the defendants side, finding Robert staring a hole through me. I smiled at him before looking to Carol who was now sitting behind the desk.

"There she is." Maggie stated as the guard began wheeling Peggy in.

He wheeled Peggy beside the bench beside me before walking to the back to stand by the doors.

"We'll keep this short. Robert Eads pleads not guilty to the allegations of assaulting his wife. Peggy Eads was admitted into the hospital with a stab wound to her abdomen, contusions around her neck due to strangulation, along with many minor injuries. Jackie Raines, witness of the assault, states she was in her kitchen when she saw Robert attack Peggy. Jackie Raines, would you please stand and tell your side?" Carol asked while setting a sheet of paper down.

"I'd love to." Jackie stated while standing in front of everyone as Peggy reached for my hand.

"My name is Jackie. I'm Peggy's best friend, but also her and Robert's neighbor. I could tell you many stories of what I've seen throughout the years, but that's not what I'm here to do today. Today, I'm here to tell you what I witnessed a week ago." Jackie began while turning to the jury.

"I was standing in my kitchen on Monday, making my cornbread like I always do when I saw Peggy in her own kitchen through the window. I saw Robert push her against a wall and slap her. She tried to fight back, who wouldn't? But Peggy is weak. She's old. She can't hurt nobody." Jackie started while glancing to Peggy and me.

"Anyway, she told him he was the devil. It angered him. Let me tell you, I saw the devil. He put his hands around Peggy's throat and started squeezing. He was screaming disgusting profanities at her." Jackie continued while her voice cracked.

"Then he stabbed her. I thought I lost my best friend. I thought that was it," Jackie stated while a tear fell from her eye. "He saw me through the window. I ran. I ran to get help."

I glanced to the jury, watching their eyes study Peggy intently.

"That's all. Thank you." Jackie muttered while walking back to her seat.

"Robert Eads, do you still stick with your not-guilty plea?" Carol inquired.

"I do." He answered while staring at Peggy beside me.

"Please stand and tell your side." Carol ordered him.

I clenched my jaw and briefly looked to Peggy's hand in mine as she squeezed as hard as she could.

"Peggy claims to be the victim here, but the victim is me. She hit me. She attacked me. She abused me!" Robert declared while making his way in front of the jury, passing us on his way.

"For years I have been a victim. I have been abused. I have been hurt. Broken." He continued while cracking his voice.

"This was self defense. I know no one ever believes the man, and I know most of you sitting here wouldn't understand. But I am a victim of Peggy Eads." He stated while turning to face Peggy.

"And you won't abuse me anymore." He stated while pointing at Peggy.

I squeezed Peggy's hand, hoping that she wasn't getting too upset from his poor attempt to get in her head.

"You're here to state your side. Do it and return to your seat." Carol ordered, harshly.

"I have scars. I had proof of where we attended marriage counseling. I had proof of the therapists notes where Peggy confessed to emotionally and physically abusing me!" He fired back.

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