Kissing your bro isnt gay if both of you have socks on (6)

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Being single for the first time in a while feels freeing to ash, no more love triangles, no more faking, and more time to see J after work. Ash had been going to the gym more often now, his silver eyes trying to meet J's brown ones. His face would heat up each time, J obliviously smiled and continued his rep.

It's not that ash didn't like working out, in fact his own muscles began to firm and became defined, he was proud. However, just watching J gives him motivation elsewhere. They'd always chat it up and laugh with each other, even exchanging workout tips over chat. They had officially become gym buddies. Which ash thought he would be okay with...that was a LIE. A few hours at the gym was not enough, he wanted more, he needed to see him up close, to touch him and felt each and every inch of his sculpted face, to lick all over his washboard abs down to his deepened v-line, to- Ash choked on his morning coffee.

No...not right now he has work in 30 minutes.

He kicked off his shoes, man diagnosing patients are a lot. He'd been promoted to a medical technician and was tasked to diagnose patience along with treating them. His coworkers continued to do JACK SHIT, well except for the new orderly, she does the work...sometimes. He changed out of his uniform and scrolled through his feed while laying sprawled out on the sofa. "Text from J: is it alright if I come over? I miss ya ;("

Ash's eyes widened, "holy shit, holy shit, holy shit", he sat up right away and typed "of course man, I miss ya too bud :^]" he hated using emojis until he started texting J, him and his little smiley faces how cute. They rushed to the mirror in the downstairs bathroom, they never really checked much of  appearance but J was someone special. He stared at his reflection, his shiny black hair was slicked to the right just right, a small curl left out of place to add some flare, he stroked his beard, I hadn't considered shaving much, his carmel skin glowed like usual and his teeth were perfectly pearl.

Ash sighed, "menos mal, I look good today of all days." The sound of two heavy knocks rang throughout the entrance of the home as they exited the bathroom. Running to the door, Ash closes their eyes and takes a deep breath before answering. There he was, in his poorly coordinated but overall fitting outfit, his good ole gym buddy. Their heart skipped two beats and J flashed a smile of relief, "Thank fuck you answered, it's so damn quiet out here I'd thought you were asleep. Congrats on being promoted by the way, you must be tired right now" He remembered how cuuuuteeee "OH UHM THANKS" ash stammered, their ears began to heat up.

He continued, "but yeah, it is completely EXHAUSTING. For one whereas I'd only have to diagnose just ONE patient, now it's TWO and then you have house calls. OH! And don't get me started on my coworkers they do not help at like ALL, Josep is the receptionist now cause he's shit at his job BUT HE CANT EVEN DO THAT RIGHT! It's so annoying honestly, I have to run back in forth between patients trying to find the right diagnosis but it's so difficult at times and-" There was a palm on Ash's shoulder, "dude" J breathed, "you're tense as hell right now"

When he came to, he realized that they were now in his living room. How the hell did we get here? Ash sighed "y-you're right, sorry for rambling I just-" he noticed J staring at his lips. Now, Ash may be simping hard right now, but they're no little bitch. "Someone's invested in my lips, you wanna kiss me that bad?" He chided, gently nudging J. The jock chucked, "a lot of talk coming from pretty boy over here, it's cute that your ears are red when you're nervous- or is it that you have it bad for me already?" Lmao, he gagged you a bit   Ash blinked, taken aback...oh...oh wow. J licked his lips, leaning closer, "so I'm not wrong" he smirked...this fucker dared to SMIRK.

Ash smiled back with the upmost innocence, "Why how bold of you, Mr Huntington," their silvery steal pupils darkened as they purred,"come closer and see how I really feel about you" J's breath hitched. Got him. They placed a hand on his thigh, it was their turn to smirk now. They were incredibly close, a little TOO close. One more inch closer and they'd officially be in kissing territory. Maybe some fantasies do come true. They both go in for the kill until BEEP BEEP BEEP GODDAMMIT

The Doctor and his idiot gym buddy (sims4 fanfic cause why not) Where stories live. Discover now