Butt secks? Maybe [part one] (17)

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Ash sighed, washing his hands for the final time. This promotion was rewarding in terms of money and the happy patients, but goddamn is it a pain in the plumbob. You forgot they were sims didn't you? My storytelling skills are quite good, I know. Anyways, to say the days shift was draining would be a shameful understatement.

Ash had been scrambling to successfully check, diagnose, and treat each patient. Even with going at a slightly faster pace, the waiting room was still flooded with sickly citizens, he even had to deliver a damned baby. And you know damn well his coworkers aren't gonna help, even Kate has gotten lazy at her job, ALL SHE HAS TO DO IS KEEP THE FACILITY CLEAN FOR FUCKS SAKE. That's enough, the doctor rubbed his temples and stumbled out of the clinic utterly defeated, ready to pass out at any moment.

J had just gotten home from work at the same time as Ash, seeming just as drained as his lover. Once the door opened, they trudged upstairs and into their shared bedroom, not for the reason you pervs assume. Instead, the two fell asleep before they could even muster a complaint about their tiresome jobs.

J was the one to wake up first, opening his eyes to the lovely sight of his boyfriend sleeping peacefully. He decided not to wake them up, taking care of multiple people on a limited time slot was something the brunette couldn't bring himself to imagine. Letting his love sleep the days hard work off wasn't a difficult task at all. After all, he has skills to hone in order to reach the goals of the next promotion. With that, J tried his best to leave the room quietly.

After a while of coding and modding, J sighed and stretched good enough to ease the tension that developed in his lower back. He expected to continue on working, not even regarding the time. What he didn't expect, was kiss on the cheek and the chipper voice of his dear lover. "You're working again? Jeez, babe you need a drink, you've gone mad." Ash joked, a slight chuckle in their husky tone of voice. Dear llama. J hasn't told anyone this, and probably never will- okay that's a lie he told Alice this, they're gossip buddies now. But other than Alice he hasn't told anyone this, Ash's 'morning' voice was the hottest thing.

J felt his breath hitch, calm down, calm down, calm down. "Your face is red! Are you okay? Are you sick at all?" the raven asked, deep voice now etched with worry. Oh no, oh no oh no. "NO- no babe I'm fine, I'm just...easily flustered is all." he explained. Ash's thickened eyebrows furrowed in obvious confusion for a slight second, then he caught on. A devious smirk made its way to his plump lips, strangely, he didn't say his usual cheeky remarks and walked away after announcing that he'd be downstairs.

Maybe ash was right, J does need a drink. With that, the brunette finally gained the will to go downstairs and to the small globe sized mini bar in their spacious dining room. As he took a few small sips of his red drink, J was interrupted by a pair of his lovers soft lips. Ash hummed, "cherry? I didn't peg you for a cherry type." The brunette gawked, "so we're just gonna ignore that kiss?" What has gotten into them? His silver eyed fox smiled as if they were the most innocent of beings as they answered with a cheeky "yup!"

Not wanting to let this opportunity go, J carefully set his glass down and lifted his lover's chin, attaching their lips once again to wipe that dick-eating grin right off of that fox's face. A surprised hum left Ash as their lips met, as if an actual spark has been transmitted between them. Their mouth molded together, dancing with intensity and desperation. It wasn't too long before the raven realized that he was being held a few inches from the ground, the passionate kiss option eh?

Once steadied, Ash pulled away and gasped for air. J was a blushing mess not too long ago, the cherry wine must've been strong. Now there he stood, the corners of his lips curled into a mischievous smirk. This fucker

It was not long until their lips joined once again, kissing Ash's lips was an addition for J a high he will forever chase. His hands migrated from his love's face to his lower back and waist, pulling him closer than they already were. Ash could taste the sweet and tangy liquor that J had recently consumed, which intoxicated him despite not touching one drink. The raven's tried to find some proper placing for his hands, but seemed too occupied by his boyfriend savagely sucking on his tongue. A small moan whisked itself out of his throat, this made the brunette only more lustful. It surprised Ash quite a bit, he forgot that he can make sounds like that.

To say things were getting hot and heavy was an understatement, the fireplace in the living was a sad competitor for how heated things were in that dining room. Before he knew it, J's large hands had snuck their way onto Ash's ass, gripping the thing like it's never been touched before. Those days at the gym gifted the niorette with a rather...sizable caboose to say the least. It was great for J, but not Ash, putting on tighter jeans are a nightmare now.

Ash yelped and pulled away, placing their hands on the brunette's wide shoulders. "Woah woah woah," they stated trying their very best to catch their stolen breath, "you- you never do this, you miss it that much?"
J only chuckles at this, "well...it's been a fuckin long time, you mentioned liking it rough in your diary so-"
"WOAH- IN MY DEFENSE, it was left open and I didn't know that it was a diary until I closed the thing."

Ash blinked, mouth agape. How should they react? J smiled sheepishly, "I'm really sorry and I shouldn't have your invaded your privacy and really really won't in the future, BUT can weeeee getbacktomakingout??? It was going really well, and it's been so long."
His dark eyes sparkled in excitement and anticipation, making Ash's knees weak like they always did. They weren't mad to be completely honest, saying no to those eyes is emotionally impossible.

Ash laughed and nodded, allowing himself to be picked up and carried upstairs, not after a few light pecks of course.

The Doctor and his idiot gym buddy (sims4 fanfic cause why not) Where stories live. Discover now