A true work of art (13)

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(Third person)

Ash gazed at themself in the full length mirror, ever so critical about their appearance. Today was the day of the date at the museum, though he said it was a simple hang out over the phone. To him, it felt like a date, a date he had to look absolutely good for.

They made sure their raven hair was perfectly parted and slicked in its vintage esc style, that signature curl standing out like it does every other day. Ash's caramel skin was vibrant and glowed so much that the sun would scoff in jealousy. They made sure that their silver puffy jacket was squeaky clean, the black shirt under it was void of any wrinkle, and so where the matching dark colored jeans. Lookin good

Shower? Check! Pearly whites are pearly white? Check! Lookin ever-so like a literal walking representation of Adonis? Check! Ash took the deepest breath he'd ever taken in a while, it was time to see him again, to see the light of his world once again. Hopefully, J feels the same way, welcoming them with that same smile that competed with the stars for its beauty. Who are they kidding...J won't. Ash would always hopelessly daydream about J, especially when it came to the long term.

J has stated that he was noncommittal. This didn't take much of an effect on Ash until he fell for the brunette...and damn did he fall HARD. There it was again...the pang in his chest, the one that throbbed, the one he wanted to ignore so bad. Maybe he should give up now, cancel plans, never talk to J again. These feelings and this longing will only get stronger, it grows every time he looks at the guy. The phone chimes, Ash snaps out of his somber thoughts and rushes to grab the device out of his jacket pocket.

'J: I can't wait for you to see me dude, remember that fancy dapper guy in the romance movies you said was hot? I got a surprise for ya ;-)'
Ash's eyebrows furrowed, huh. Oh shit, he'd better get over there.

The streets of Del Sol Valley were busy, Ash barley pushed passed the crowd to get to the famous Plumbob pictures Museum. Hm...J wasn't here yet, maybe he got cold feet after all- "ASH? DUDE!" The doctor was engulfed by two strong arms. That grip was all too familiar, it was him. It was HIM, the shining star, the reason ash's heart would act out for him, the reason he couldn't focus, the distraction who changed him completely. As J pulled away, the raven could see the transformation that he alluded to.

J's hair was slicked back, but in a golden age of Llamawood (idk what Hollywood in sims is called yet, shut up) kind of way, his stubble was starting to form a slight beard, his clothes were every different. Ash's gray eyes widened in surprise, causing the latter to smirk. "Sexy ain't I, like that fancy dude you liked on that cheesy drama." He quipped.

The doctor was taken aback, but recollected himself to playfully retort, "first of all, his name was Bill, he fought for his true love in spite of his family's disproval." J chuckled, the sound resonated like a melody to Ash.

They smiled, heat rising to their ears again. They missed this feeling, the warmth that spread throughout their chest, the loss of feeling in their legs, the euphoria that flooded their brain chemistry. Ash wanted to keep feeling like this, to keep J around, to be kept. Is that too much angst? I'll dial it down.

The two sat around outside, chatting and bantering like they'd seen each other all week. J continued with his witty puns and Ash would find himself laughing despite trying to fight it. The "date" was going smoothly, until Cassandra Goth added herself to the convo. Who ARE you even? Gosh, Ash's creator got so annoyed that she made them get up to view some art together.

And they did just that, gaze at the paintings upstairs as Ash explained random facts about each work of art. J listened intently, brown eyes sparking as they usually do, taking in every word and detail. "It's crazy how you know all this stuff." The brunette observed, "I love it when you say all kinds of interesting shit," his lips stopped at Ash's ear. The fuck is he doing? "Sexy, smart, and funny. No wonder you're alluring"

I thought this was a classy party. Anyways, Ash's ears and most of his face were on fire. Since when was he this bold in public?! J was the first to flirt throughout this whole ordeal, that's Ash's thing dammit! "J! We're in public" he whisper yelled. The man only laughed, "Mannnn, you are jumpy today. If I kiss you right now, will you faint? Might test that out actually." Before the other could protest, there was an aggressive "AHEM" that boomed just behind them. They both turned to see global star Judith Ward scowling at them, "if you want to continue your little love fest here, I suggest you do it in front of another sculpture." She sneered, a bit of spit flew through her lipstick stained teeth. The pair flinched and J grabbed Ash's arm in a firm yet protective manner.

God that lady's a bitch, why is she famous again? The only thing notable about her is that atrocious updo and her god awful mansion in the hills. J narrowed his eyes, there goes that temper, Ash stopped him and pulled him away before any real issue could've taken place.

However, Ash couldn't shake how he felt when J grabbed his arm and stepped in front of him to guard him. He usually took care of things, in any other circumstance he was the one doing the protecting. For most of his few weeks as a young adult sim, he has done all of the work, put in all the effort. No one met him halfway, not even in the affairs he flung himself into.

J was something and someone different...Ash knew it the day they met in the Oasis Spings gym. Those eyes that held the sparkle of expensive diamonds, that smile that could transform their legs into jelly, the chipper yet smooth voice that they could listen to all day. This sealed the deal for them. No matter how long they are apart, they would click right back to together like magnets. Ash knew he couldn't stay away from J...but does J really feel as strongly? Does he feel just as deeply? He is noncommittal after all

Screw it, Ash guided J right in front of the sunken ufo sculpture. This gnawing pain and angst is too unbearable, this anxiety, this sheer curiously. "J...I know this is so weird to ask. YOU DONT EVEN HAVE TO SAY YES LIKE EVER- I just...I really want to be around you for a long time but not as a friend or anything- What I'm saying is...WHAT IM SAYING IS-"
"Yeah, I'll be your boyfriend."

The Doctor and his idiot gym buddy (sims4 fanfic cause why not) Where stories live. Discover now