What wedding?! (9)

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I rubbed the back of my neck as I stumbled through my front door. Man, as rewarding as being an RN can be, it is exhausting. Thankfully, due to my hard work (no one does anything in there but me it's a damn shame), I've earned a vacation day. Usually, I'd go to the gym or get shitfaced at the local lounge, but my mind has been on J since that night.

Now, I've bedded a few people, but I've never felt such scorching passion like my night with J. This is a night I'm sure I will never forget...I mean I can't even sit down, it was something alright. Our bodies and our souls intertwined that evening, I want more times like this, especially with him. My phone pinged, a notification 'Simstagram: new post from user TheyloveJ3' I hurried to my sofa and plopped down, smiling so big that my cheeks stung. Once I entered my password, I pressed on the notification, and there he was.

Another bed selfie, he was holding up a middle finger this time with the caption: "Zoe ate through a whole box of pizza wtf, you guys aren't invited to my wedding" his collarbone was still decorated with the hickeys I gave him, it was clear that he had no intention of hiding a thing- wait...WHAT WEDDING?! WITH WHO?! I contemplated commenting, but I couldn't be caught replying so early. Maybe I shouldn't overthink it...
So remember when I noted to not overthink it...I am now in the shower overthinking it, BUT I.CANT.HELP ITTTTTT. what does he mean by wedding, since when is he engaged to someone, he's never told me this, he tells me everything and- shit I got shampoo in my eyes!

After drying off I sat in my robe, contemplating. I wanted to call him and ask...but I don't want to invade his personal life like that. My heart began to ache at the possibility that he was seeing someone else, with the way he looked at me after our first kiss...it made me feel like he's never looked at anyone else like that before. The sparkle in his dark eyes made me feel like he was viewing me as his Aphrodite, his Adonis. I decided to hell with it and snatched my phone off of my nightstand.

"Ash? HEY DUDE, WHATS UUUUP", I unconsciously felt the corners of my mouth lifting, hearing the absolute joy in J's voice. "Sup J, nothin much just wanted to hear from my favorite jock" I teased, he huffed. Oddly enough, he hated being labeled a jock. He never explained why, just stated that it annoyed him a bit. "Y'know I hate being called that, why I oughta....HEY DONT LAUGH" Huh? Oh- fuck I was laughing. What can I say, he's unintentionally funny at times. I stopped and gathered myself before telling him that I was free tonight and asking that if he minded stopping by.

There was some arguing in the background, and I heard an agitated groan followed by an agreement to come over. Not gonna front, that groan kinda turned me on-WHAT?! Before I knew it, I found myself downstairs at my door, waiting...WAITING FOR THIS MAN. I have truly gon mad

After some time, I heard a resounding knock. I took a few deep breaths, and opened the door. J smiled his signature smile, his eyes twinkling like the stars in the night sky. Breathtaking "Couldn't wait to get out of the house huh?" I asked, feeling a smirk etch its way onto my face. He paused to look me up and down before answer, "If I knew you'd be in that robe, I would've come sooner." It was his turn to smirk as my eyes widened. "H-hey, " my voice was quieter "I'm supposed to be the bold one here."

J's laughter only got louder. This little-

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